Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 47 62 75.8

line true false branch
38 1 1 unless my(@ua_args) = $self->_authorize_ua_args
40 0 1 if ($cb) { }
45 0 1 if $err
54 1 1 unless my(@ua_args) = $self->_authorize_ua_args
57 1 0 $err ? :
65 0 3 ref $query eq 'ARRAY' ? :
68 1 2 if ($cb) { }
75 0 1 ref $cb ? :
77 0 0 ref $cb ? :
80 0 1 ref $cb ? :
86 1 1 if $err
119 0 2 @_ % 2 ? :
122 0 2 if $file
137 1 0 unless $server->app
144 2 0 unless $mock_r->lookup($name)
157 2 2 if $prev->{'exp'} and $time < $prev->{'exp'}
181 2 1 if -r $file
196 1 1 if ($err) { }
220 0 3 $as_list ? :
224 1 2 if ($err)
228 0 3 $as_list ? :
234 5 1 unless delete $query{'filters'}
238 3 5 if ($group_op->[0] eq 'metric') { }
239 0 3 $not ? :
248 1 4 $not ? :
258 5 1 unless delete $query{'order_by'}
264 2 4 if (my $d = delete $query{'interval'})
269 1 5 if $query{'dimensions'} and not ref $query{'dimensions'}
271 1 5 if $query{'metrics'} and not ref $query{'metrics'}
272 1 5 if exists $query{'rows'}