Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 28 58 48.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
154 1 0 3 $prev->{'exp'} and $time < $prev->{'exp'}
266 5 0 1 $query{'dimensions'} and not ref $query{'dimensions'}
268 5 0 1 $query{'metrics'} and not ref $query{'metrics'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
12 0 5 $ENV{'MOJO_GA_DEBUG'} || 0
120 0 2 $self->{'token_uri'} ||= ''
121 0 2 $self->{'auth_scope'} ||= ''
122 0 2 $self->{'batch_get_uri'} ||= ''
141 0 2 $args->{$name} || sub { $self->$cb(@_); }
195 0 0 $res->{'error_description'} || $err->{'message'} || 'Unknown error'
0 0 $err->{'code'} || 0
204 0 1 $err // ''
211 3 0 $tx->res->json || {}
222 1 0 $err->{'message'} || 'Unknown error'
0 1 $err->{'code'} || 0
225 1 2 $err || ''
233 8 0 $QUERY_TRANSLATOR{$op} || ['dimension', $op]
262 1 1 $d->[1] || '1daysAgo'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
97 0 0 0 $self->{$attr} ||= $attrs->{$attr}
130 0 1 0 $args->{'batch_get_dir'} // $ENV{'TEST_MOJO_GA_BATCH_GET_DIR'}
1 0 0 ($args->{'batch_get_dir'} // $ENV{'TEST_MOJO_GA_BATCH_GET_DIR'}) // 'File::Spec'->tmpdir
212 1 0 2 $res->{'error'} || $tx->error
213 2 1 0 $res->{'reports'} || ($as_list ? $query : [{}])
257 3 0 0 $QUERY_SORT_ORDER{$order or 'x'} || $QUERY_SORT_ORDER{'x'}
270 0 6 0 $query{'viewId'} ||= $self->view_id