Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 25 30 83.3

line true false branch
134 0 40 if ($result->is_error) { }
12 28 elsif ($result->code == 301 or $result->code == 302) { }
144 2 10 if (@{$self->redirects;} > $self->max_redirects)
152 17 11 if ($self->is_feed_content_type($result->headers->content_type)) { }
153 0 17 if $result->content->charset
160 5 6 if ($self->url ne $tx->req->url)
166 5 6 if (@feeds) { }
171 2 3 if @feeds
177 3 3 if $result->content->charset
178 5 1 if ($test->is_valid) { }
183 5 0 if $test->charset
207 6 332 unless $attrs->{'rel'}
209 55 277 $attrs->{'type'} ? :
210 21 0 if ($type and $self->is_feed_content_type($type) and $rel{'alternate'} || $rel{'service.feed'})
220 854 0 if $_->attr('href')