Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 35 48 72.9

line true false branch
32 1 1 if ($dir ne 'up')
37 1 1 if ($dir eq 'up') { }
43 0 2 unless $found->size
50 0 2 if (@selectors == 1)
55 1 1 if ($dir eq 'up') { }
82 2 3 if (ref $_[1] and ref $_[2]) { }
88 1 2 if (not $_[1] || $_[2]) { }
2 0 elsif ($_[1] and not ref $_[1] and not $_[2]) { }
104 4 8 if not $seg2 or $seg ne $seg2
128 0 47 unless $p2
129 32 15 if ($p1 eq $p2)
138 0 0 if $t1_len == $t2_len
139 0 0 $t1_len < $t2_len ? :
164 5 9 if $depth > $deepest_depth
181 11 5 $sel2 =~ /^\Q$sel1\E/ ? :
186 2 14 if (not $_[2]) { }
189 0 2 if (ref $_[0]) { }
206 0 1 unless $selector
213 2 0 if $sn->{'all_tags_have_same_depth'} or $sn->{'top_level'}
234 1 0 if ($top_level)
249 2 3 if $c->tag eq $selector
251 2 1 unless $size
279 4 0 if ($t->attr('class'))
290 1 3 if ($depth_tracker and $depth != $depth_tracker)