Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 28 85.7

line true false branch
43 0 23 if $stack[-1] == $main
47 11 12 if ($cb) { }
59 3 9 if (defined(my $name = $opts->{'-name'}))
60 2 1 $opts->{'-install'} ? :
65 12 0 if Sub::Util::subname($body) =~ /::__ANON__$/
72 2 10 unless eval { do { BEGIN { $^H{'Mojo::AsyncAwait::Backend::Coro/async'} = '1'; } $promise->resolve(&$body(@_)); 1 } }
83 2 10 if ($opts->{'-install'})
106 2 11 unless $hints->{'Mojo::AsyncAwait::Backend::Coro/async'}
110 1 10 unless &Scalar::Util::blessed($promise) and $promise->can('then')
129 0 11 if $err
130 1 10 wantarray ? :
134 9 3 unless @_
136 2 1 if @_ == 1
142 0 1 if $opts{'-install'} and not defined $opts{'-name'}