Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 30 53.3

line true false branch
27 0 4 if ($self->dialog("use $name? (depend $module, $version [Yn] ", 'y') =~ /[Yy]/)
43 1 1 unless ($user and $token)
48 1 0 if ($self->dialog('create GitHub repository? [Yn] ', 'y') =~ /[Yy]/)
60 0 1 if ($self->dialog('create private repository? [yN] ', 'n') =~ /[Yy]/)
64 0 1 unless (_create_repository('login', $user, 'token', $token, 'name', $name, 'description', $description, 'homepage', $homepage, 'public', $public))
76 0 1 if $self->system('perl', 'Makefile.PL')
77 0 1 if $self->system('make', 'test')
78 0 1 if $self->system('make', 'distclean')
79 1 0 unless (-d '.git')
80 0 1 if $self->system('git', 'init')
81 0 1 if $self->system('git', 'add', '.')
82 0 1 if $self->system('git', 'commit', '-m', 'initial commit')
84 0 1 if $self->system('git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', "git\$user/$name.git")
86 1 0 if ($self->dialog('try git push to GitHub? [Yn] ', 'y') =~ /[Yy]/)
87 0 1 unless not $self->system('git', 'push', 'origin', 'master')