Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 53 59 89.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
103 83 1 77 not $self->options->{$name} and defined $default
146 12 57 0 not $options->{'pack'} and $options->{'additional'}
155 59 2 1 $options->{'additional'} and not -d $self->base_dir->flavor->additional->path_to($options->{'additional'})
278 23 368 0 exists $tmpl->{'file'} and $tmpl->{'file'}
14 10 0 exists $tmpl->{'dir'} and $tmpl->{'dir'}
4 11 0 exists $tmpl->{'plugin'} and $tmpl->{'plugin'}
1 7 3 exists $tmpl->{'plugin'} and $tmpl->{'plugin'} and not exists $tmpl->{'additional'}
309 43 5 1 $self->base_dir->flavor->is_exists and not exists $options->{'additional'}
320 390 1 36 exists $tmpl->{'config'} and ref $tmpl->{'config'} eq 'HASH'
351 33 8 0 exists $options->{'plugins'} and $options->{'plugins'}
1 1 6 exists $options->{'plugins'} and $options->{'plugins'} and @{$options->{'plugins'};}
451 2 2 2 $config->{'additional'} and $name ne $config->{'additional'}
553 1 1 7 $validator_callback and ref $validator_callback eq 'CODE'

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
37 94 18 $args{'options'} ||= {}
38 94 18 $args{'argv'} ||= []
141 26 67 $options->{'flavor_class'} ||= 'Default'
187 10 37 delete $options->{'plugins'} || []
217 18 70 $self->{'loaded_plugin'} ||= {}
352 5 1 $config->{'plugins'} ||= []
355 37 4 $config->{'plugins'} ||= []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
128 1 1 1 $self->options->{'module_setup_dir'} || $ENV{'MODULE_SETUP_DIR'} || 'Path::Class::Dir'->new('File::HomeDir'->my_home, '.module-setup')
146 24 0 69 $options->{'init'} or not $options->{'pack'} and $options->{'additional'}