Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 34 94.1

line true false branch
97 1 4 if ($Mask) { }
120 1 1 if $Mask
176 12 5 if ($self->_rel_path($entry)) { }
201 9 3 if ($self->is_masked($module))
204 4 5 if ($self->_is_listed($call_pack)) { }
1 4 elsif (-f $module) { }
227 2 2 if ($call_mod and $self->_is_listed($call_mod))
273 6 3 if (my $meta = eval { do { 'Parse::CPAN::Meta'->load_file($file) } }) { }
3 0 elsif ($@) { }
302 3 3 unless $$meta{'prereqs'}
324 122 43 if @core
329 42 1 if (my $clean = $class->_clean_version($perl_version))
333 38 5 if @core
346 0 207 unless defined $perl_version
348 160 47 if (exists $Module::CoreList::version{$perl_version}) { }
367 9 13 if (@minors > 1 and $major == 5 and $minors[0] >= 3 and $minors[0] < 6)
377 38 5 @minors ? :