Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 52 76 68.4

line true false branch
19 1 0 if ($sym eq 'list_modules') { }
29 0 17 if ($trivial_syntax) { }
43 8 9 if ($options->{'wildcard'} or $options->{'ls_mode'})
48 0 0 if $options->{'ls_mode'} and @prefix_parts and not $orig_prefix =~ /::\z/ and not String::Wildcard::Bash::contains_wildcard($orig_prefix)
53 8 0 if (String::Wildcard::Bash::contains_wildcard($part)) { }
56 3 5 if @prefix_parts
63 8 0 if ($options->{'wildcard'} and $has_wildcard) { }
67 0 0 $orig_prefix =~ /::\z/ ? :
70 1 7 if String::Wildcard::Bash::contains_globstar_wildcard($orig_prefix)
75 0 17 unless $prefix =~ /\A(?:$root_notleaf_rx:: (?:$notroot_notleaf_rx::)*)?\z/x and not $prefix =~ /(?:\A|[^:]::)\.\.?::/
84 0 5 unless $list_modules or $list_prefixes or $list_pod
94 49 52 if (not $result_field) { }
25 27 elsif ($all or $always_all) { }
101 23 4 unless exists $results{$key}{$result_field}
108 17 28 $prefix eq '' ? :
112 17 28 $prefix eq '' ? :
117 28 62 unless opendir my $dh, $dir
119 60 201 if ($list_modules and $entry =~ /$pm_rx/ or $list_pod and $entry =~ /$pod_rx/) { }
40 180 elsif ($list_prefixes || $recurse and ($entry ne '.' and $entry ne '..') and $entry =~ /$dir_rx/ and -d join('/', $dir, $entry)) { }
124 27 33 if $re_wildcard and not $key =~ /$re_wildcard/
127 30 3 if $return_path
128 6 27 if $return_library_path
129 3 30 if ($return_version)
132 1 2 if $v eq "undef"
142 0 40 if exists $seen_prefixes{$newpfx}
143 16 24 if ($list_prefixes)
145 13 3 if $return_path
146 0 16 if $return_library_path
148 28 12 if $recurse
151 62 0 unless $list_pod and $use_pod_dir
153 0 0 unless opendir $dh, $dir
155 0 0 if ($entry =~ /$pod_rx/)
157 0 0 if $re_wildcard and not $key =~ /$re_wildcard/
159 0 0 if $return_path
160 0 0 if $return_library_path
168 2 15 if ($list_prefixes and $re_wildcard)
170 0 6 unless $k =~ /::\z/
172 2 4 unless $k =~ /$re_wildcard/ or $k_nocolon =~ /$re_wildcard/