Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 43 64 67.1

line true false branch
29 3 9 unless $me->d->{'modules'}
31 0 12 unless $me->d->{'files_array'}
34 1 19 if ($file =~ /\.pod$/ and $file =~ m[^lib/] || $file =~ m[^[^/]+$] or $file =~ m[^(?:bin|scripts?)/])
45 2 8 if $error
46 2 8 if $package
47 0 10 if $has_binary_data
49 2 10 if @errors
57 0 10 unless open my $fh, "<", $file
61 1 9 unless ($file =~ /\.p(?:m|od)$/)
65 0 40 if (/^\s*__DATA__\s*$/)
67 0 0 unless defined $copy
68 0 0 if is_binary($copy)
70 6 34 if (substr($_, 0, 1) eq "=")
71 2 4 if (/^=encoding\s+(.+)/)
74 0 6 if (/^=cut/) { }
6 0 elsif (/^=(?!cut)(.+)/) { }
81 24 16 unless $inpod
82 8 8 unless $directive =~ /^head/
83 2 6 if (/^\s*($package_name_pattern) \s+ -+ (?:\s+ (.*)\s*$|$)/x)
88 4 2 unless $abstract
89 2 0 if /^\s*$/ or /^=/
95 2 8 if ($encoding and $abstract)
97 2 0 if (not $encoder) { }
101 0 0 if ($@)
122 2 10 if $d->{'error'}{'has_abstract_in_pod'}
123 0 0 if defined $_
10 0 unless $d->{'abstracts_in_pod'}
124 0 10 @abstracts ? :
140 10 2 unless $d->{'abstracts_in_pod'}
141 0 2 if $mapping{$d->{'abstracts_in_pod'}{$_} or ""}
143 0 12 if (@errors)
146 0 12 @errors ? :