Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 25 226 11.0

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
1482 0 0 pop() and my $no_wait = 1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
117 0 0 0 $self->_exists_overwrite and $self->_makefile_ok
141 0 0 0 $self->{'show_summary'} and not $self->{'Config'}{'Verbose'}
171 0 0 0 -e $rcfile and not -z $rcfile
0 0 0 -e $rcfile and not -z $rcfile and File::Slurp::read_file($rcfile) =~ /\w+/
210 0 0 0 not $failed and $makefile =~ /WriteMakefile\(\s*%\w+.*\s*\)/s
0 0 0 not $failed and $makefile =~ /WriteMakefile\(\s*%\w+.*\s*\)/s and not $self->{'Config'}{'Exec_Makefile'}
218 0 0 0 $self->{'Config'}{'Verbose'} and @{$self->{'dirs'};}
221 0 0 0 $self->{'Config'}{'Verbose'} and @{$self->{'dirs'};}
265 1 0 0 -e $rcfile and not -z $rcfile
1 0 0 -e $rcfile and not -z $rcfile and File::Slurp::read_file($rcfile) =~ /\w+/
427 0 0 0 $self->_is_quotelike($token) and not $have{'code'}
0 0 0 $self->_is_quotelike($token) and not $have{'code'} and not $have{'nested_structure'}
0 0 0 $self->_is_quotelike($token) and not $have{'code'} and not $have{'nested_structure'} and $token{'last'}->(1) ne '=>'
0 0 0 $token eq '=>' and not $have{'nested_structure'}
435 0 0 0 $structure_ended and $token eq ','
438 0 0 0 $token->isa('PPI::Token::Structure') and not $have{'code'}
452 0 0 0 $token{'next'}->() eq ',' and not $have{'code'}
0 0 0 $token{'next'}->() eq ',' and not $have{'code'} and not $have{'nested_structure'}
453 0 0 0 $token->isa('PPI::Token::Word') and $token{'next'}->(1) ne '=>'
461 0 0 0 $token eq ',' and $token{'next'}->(1) eq ']'
473 0 0 0 $token =~ /^[\[\]\{\}]$/ and not $have{'code'}
475 0 0 0 $token eq ',' and not $have{'code'}
0 0 0 $token eq ',' and not $have{'code'} and not $seen{'code'}
484 0 0 0 @items % 2 == 1 and $type ne 'array'
487 0 0 0 $structure_ended and $type eq 'string'
494 0 0 0 $structure_ended and @items
499 0 0 0 $type eq 'hash' and defined $items[-1]
536 0 0 0 $token eq ',' and not $have{'?'}
546 0 0 0 $have{'?'} and $have{':'}
564 0 0 0 $occurences{'('} == $occurences{')'} and $have{'parentheses'}
0 0 0 $occurences{'('} == $occurences{')'} and $have{'parentheses'} and $have{'comma'}
832 0 0 0 defined $comment and defined $self->{'Data'}{'table'}{$arg}
999 2 0 0 $value eq 'SCALAR' and not $value =~ /\d+/
1235 0 0 0 $seen{'begin'} and $line =~ /^\s*}/
1321 0 0 0 $line =~ /['"](?!,)$/ and $#lines - $i != 1
1328 0 0 0 $i == $#lines && defined $self->{'make_comments'}{$arg}
1472 1 0 0 $self->{'Config'}{'Verbose'} and $level == 1
1 0 0 $self->{'Config'}{'Verbose'} == 2 and $level == 2
1484 0 0 0 warn "Press [enter] to continue...\n" and readline STDIN

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
43 0 1 $params{'Path'} || ''
0 1 $params{'Makefile_PL'} || 'Makefile.PL'
0 1 $params{'Build_PL'} || 'Build.PL'
0 1 $params{'MANIFEST'} || 'MANIFEST'
0 1 $params{'RC'} || '.make2buildrc'
0 1 $params{'Dont_Overwrite_Auto'} || 1
0 1 $params{'Create_RC'} || 0
0 1 $params{'Parse_PPI'} || 0
0 1 $params{'Exec_Makefile'} || 0
0 1 $params{'Verbose'} || 0
0 1 $params{'Debug'} || 0
0 1 $params{'Process_Code'} || 0
0 1 $params{'Use_Native_Order'} || 0
0 1 $params{'Len_Indent'} || 3
0 1 $params{'DD_Indent'} || 2
0 1 $params{'DD_Sortkeys'} || 1
260 0 1 shift() || 'undef'
549 0 0 $occurences{'('} ||= 0
550 0 0 $occurences{')'} ||= 0
667 0 0 $value ||= ''
668 0 0 $comment ||= ''
684 0 0 $values ||= ''
685 0 0 $comment ||= ''
699 0 0 $values ||= ''
700 0 0 $comment ||= ''
756 0 0 $comment ||= ''
803 0 0 $self->{'parse'}{'makecode'} ||= ''
1012 0 0 shift @queue || (return)
1102 0 0 $self->{'Config'}{'DD_Indent'} || 2
1322 0 0 $comma ||= ''
1412 0 0 $self->{'make_code'}{$section} ||= ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
26 0 1 0 ref $self || $self
56 0 0 0 $self->{'Config'}{'reinit'} or @{[] unless $self->{'dirs'};}
251 0 2 0 $current->{$key} ||= @path ? {} : $value
461 0 0 0 $token eq ',' and $token{'next'}->(1) eq ']' or $token{'next'}->(1) eq ']'
465 0 0 0 $token{'next'}->(1) =~ /^[\}\]]$/ || !$have{'nested_structure'}
479 0 0 0 $token =~ /^['"]\s+['"]$/ or $have{'code'}
481 0 0 0 $have{'code'} || $structure_ended
484 0 0 0 @items % 2 == 1 and $type ne 'array' or not @items
521 0 0 0 $token->isa('PPI::Token::Double') || $token->isa('PPI::Token::Quote::Interpolate') || $token->isa('PPI::Token::Quote::Literal') || $token->isa('PPI::Token::Quote::Single') || $token->isa('PPI::Token::Word')
561 0 0 0 $occurences{'('} or $occurences{')'}
1145 0 0 0 defined $self->{'make_code'}{'begin'} or defined $self->{'make_code'}{'end'}
1220 0 0 0 $comments_header || $code_header
1233 0 0 0 $line =~ /^sub $quoted_pattern\w+/s or $line =~ /^\{/
1237 0 0 0 $seen{'begin'} or $seen{'end'}
1472 0 0 1 $self->{'Config'}{'Verbose'} and $level == 1 or $self->{'Config'}{'Verbose'} == 2 and $level == 2