Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 46 36.9

line true false branch
26 0 0 if $ENV{'HOME'}
38 0 0 if (lc $basename eq lc $self->build_script)
39 0 0 if ($self->build_bat) { }
47 0 0 Win32::IsWinNT() ? :
50 0 0 unless open my $fh, ">>", "$basename.bat"
68 0 0 if ($script =~ /\.(bat|cmd)$/) { }
75 0 0 if ($script eq $self->build_script)
81 0 0 if ($@) { }
106 0 0 if (/^[^\s*?!\$<>;|'"\[\]\{\}]+$/) { }
132 57 2793 if defined $_ and ref $_ eq "ARRAY"
135 57 2736 unless defined $_ and length $_
144 570 16188 if (/\G((?:\\\\)+)(?=\\?(")?)/cg) { }
912 15276 elsif (/\G\\"/cg) { }
7239 8037 elsif (/\G"/cg) { }
1083 6954 elsif (not $quote_mode and /\G\s+/cg) { }
6954 0 elsif (/\G(.)/cgs) { }
145 399 171 if (defined $2) { }
156 798 6441 if ($quote_mode and /\G"/cg)
182 0 0 if ($status and $! =~ /Argument list too long/i)
195 0 0 exists $ENV{'PATHEXT'} ? :
200 0 0 if ($file =~ /($e)$/i) { }
201 0 0 if -e $file
205 0 0 if -e "$file$_"