Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 19 47 40.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
39 0 0 0 $type_generators{$type} && 'Mock::Data::GeneratorSub'->new('Mock::Data::Plugin::SQLTypes'->can($type))
93 30 0 0 defined $source and not ref $source
157 10 0 10 $params && $params->{'before'}
158 10 0 10 $params && $params->{'after'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
90 10 5 (shift() // ($params ? $params->{'size'} : undef)) // 16
91 0 30 ($params ? $params->{'size_weight'} : undef) // \&Mock::Data::Plugin::SQLTypes::_default_size_weight
128 0 5 ($params ? $params->{'size'} : undef) // 1
151 0 20 $6 || 0
0 20 $5 || 0
0 20 $4 || 0
175 0 5 (shift() // ($params ? $params->{'size'} : undef)) // 256

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
39 0 0 0 $mock->generators->{$type} // $mock->generators->{"SQL::$type"}
0 0 0 ($mock->generators->{$type} // $mock->generators->{"SQL::$type"}) // $type_generators{$type} && 'Mock::Data::GeneratorSub'->new('Mock::Data::Plugin::SQLTypes'->can($type))
90 15 10 5 shift() // ($params ? $params->{'size'} : undef)
175 5 0 5 shift() // ($params ? $params->{'size'} : undef)
184 0 0 0 $json //= do { local $@; Carp::croak("No JSON module found. This must be installed for the SQL::json generator.") unless my $mod = eval { do { require JSON::MaybeXS; 'JSON::MaybeXS' } } || eval { do { require JSON; 'JSON' } } || eval { do { require JSON::PP; 'JSON::PP' } }; $mod->new->canonical->ascii }
188 0 0 0 eval { do { require JSON::MaybeXS; 'JSON::MaybeXS' } } || eval { do { require JSON; 'JSON' } } || eval { do { require JSON::PP; 'JSON::PP' } }
197 0 0 10 shift() // ($params ? $params->{'data'} : undef)