Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 13 34 38.2

line true false branch
79 1 3 if (my $config_file = $params{'config_file'})
105 1 11 if ($config and my(@dirs) = $config->find_down_directive_names($directive))
125 3 1 if (ref $client and $client->isa('Apache'))
129 0 4 unless ref $client and $client->isa('Mock::Apache::RemoteClient')
132 0 4 unless (ref $handler)
153 0 4 if ($@)
159 4 0 unless ($status)
160 4 0 if ($rc == &Apache::Constants::OK) { }
0 0 elsif ($rc == &Apache::Constants::MOVED) { }
169 4 0 unless ($request->header_out('content-length'))
183 89 0 unless $DEBUG
184 0 0 unless $message =~ qr/\n$/
186 0 0 if ($DEBUG > 1)
188 0 0 if ($file eq '/.cpan/build/Mock-Apache-0.09-DQ9rNO/t/../lib/Mock/')
202 0 0 unless $message =~ qr/\n$/
207 0 0 if ($file eq '/.cpan/build/Mock-Apache-0.09-DQ9rNO/t/../lib/Mock/')
211 0 0 if ($DEBUG > 1)