Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 5 22 22.7

line true false branch
67 0 0 *{$_;}{'CODE'} ? :
71 0 0 *{$_;}{'CODE'} ? :
83 0 0 if exists $DOES{$role}
84 0 0 if $role eq "Mite::Trait::HasMethods"
85 0 0 if ($INC{'Moose/'} and my $meta = Moose::Util::find_meta(ref $self || $self))
88 0 0 if $meta->can("does_role") and $meta->does_role($role)
104 0 124 if (exists $CONSUMERS{$target})
110 0 124 if $type ne "Mite::Class"
113 0 124 if @missing_methods = grep((!$target->can($_)), "_function_for_croak", "compilation_stages", "inject_mite_functions")
120 124 0 unless $args
122 0 124 if $nextargs{'-indirect'} > 100