Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 101 114 88.6

line true false branch
769 34 85 if (defined $arg)
770 34 0 if (ref $arg) { }
0 0 elsif ($arg eq ':DEBUG') { }
771 0 34 if exists $arg->{'debug'}
772 1 33 if exists $arg->{'into'}
774 6 28 if exists $arg->{'compile_at_BEGIN'}
775 27 7 if (exists $arg->{'invocant'})
779 25 2 unless ($inv_var =~ / \A \$ [^\W\d]\w* \z /x)
822 186 17 if (defined $name and $self->_do_compile_at_BEGIN)
832 0 203 if $DEBUG
834 0 203 if $DEBUG
845 1 198 unless exists $hints->{'METHOD_SIGNATURES_compile_at_BEGIN'}
858 227 2 eval 42 ? :
890 2 227 if _parser_is_fucked()
896 213 14 defined $proto ? :
914 0 210 if $signature->pre_invocant
915 158 52 if $signature->invocant
921 24 186 if (@{$signature->named_parameters;})
923 37 5 unless $_->is_ref_alias
4 20 if (grep {$_->traits->{'alias'} unless $_->is_ref_alias;} @{$signature->named_parameters;}) { }
937 21 3 if $signature->num_named and not $signature->num_yadayada
943 185 25 unless $max_argv == $INF
994 4 257 if $sig->is_at_underscore
1001 1 256 if ($sig->is_hash_yadayada)
1016 42 214 if ($sig->is_named) { }
1019 5 37 if $sig->is_ref_alias
1022 15 194 $sig->sigil =~ /^[\@%]$/ ? :
5 209 $sig->is_ref_alias ? :
1028 42 214 $sig->is_named ? :
1035 54 202 if (defined $when) { }
34 168 elsif (defined $default) { }
1037 6 48 if ($when =~ /$when_block_re/) { }
1051 119 137 if ($sig->is_required)
1052 3 116 if ($sig->is_placeholder) { }
1060 13 243 if ($sig->is_ref_alias or $sig->traits->{'alias'}) { }
16 227 elsif ($sig->traits->{'ro'}) { }
1072 54 202 if ($sig->type)
1077 42 214 if $deletion_target
1082 4 4 $constraint =~ /^ \s* \{ (?: .* ; .* | (?:(?! => ). )* ) \} \s* $/sx ? :
1087 1 7 $sig->is_placeholder ? :
1095 4 252 if ($sig->is_placeholder)
1115 434 33 if $num_newlines == 0
1130 9 43 $sig->is_optional && !defined($sig->default) ? :
1135 51 1 if ($class->can('type_check') eq 'Method::Signatures'->can('type_check')) { }
1139 1 50 $sig->is_placeholder ? :
1146 9 42 if $check_exists
1154 0 1 if $check_exists
1228 13 18 unless $mutc{'class'}
1233 1 30 if ($@)
1237 25 5 if $constr
1241 0 5 if $mutc{'isa_role'}->check($type)
1244 3 2 if $mutc{'isa_class'}->check($type)
1263 0 0 unless ($mutc{'cache'}{$type}->check($value))
1276 18 1 defined $value ? :
1283 1 0 defined $value ? :
1291 14 1 defined $value ? :
1298 1 0 defined $value ? :