Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 60 76 78.9

line true false branch
20 13 4 if ($class eq 'Method::Cached') { }
21 2 11 if (exists $args{-'domains'} and defined $args{-'domains'})
23 1 1 unless ref $domains eq 'HASH'
27 3 9 if (exists $args{-'default'} and defined $args{-'default'}) { }
29 1 2 unless ref $default eq 'HASH'
36 9 0 unless (exists $args{-'inherit'} and $args{-'inherit'} eq 'no')
38 4 5 if ($caller ne 'main' and not $caller->isa('Method::Cached'))
51 2 46 if ref $args ne 'ARRAY'
53 24 24 if ($phase eq 'BEGIN')
58 24 24 if ($phase eq 'INIT')
61 0 24 unless _defined_code($name)
67 0 1 unless (exists $_METHOD_INFO{$name})
68 0 0 if ($name =~ /^(.*)::([^:]*)$/)
70 0 0 unless $package->require
73 1 0 if (exists $_METHOD_INFO{$name})
76 0 1 $_DOMAINS{$dname} ? :
87 3 1 if ($args)
88 0 3 if exists $args->{'key_rule'}
102 0 2 if (exists $_DOMAINS{$name})
122 0 266 if ref $gv ne 'B::GV'
123 24 242 if $line == $gv->LINE and $file eq $gv->FILE
130 4 0 exists $_PREPARE_INFO{$class} ? :
131 0 4 unless $prof
148 46 2 if (0 < @_)
149 24 22 unless (defined $_[0] and $_[0] =~ /^?\d+$/)
154 46 2 if (0 < @_)
155 46 0 $_[0] =~ /^\d+$/ ? :
157 34 12 if 0 < @_
189 99 4 if $domain->{'_storage_instance'}
192 3 1 unless $st_args
198 1 13 unless $any_class->require
200 1 12 unless $any_class->can('delete') or $any_class->can('remove')
201 1 12 if $invalid
208 0 102 $_DOMAINS{$dname} ? :
211 15 87 $warray ? :
214 71 31 unless ($ret)
215 8 63 $warray ? :
218 15 87 $warray ? :