Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 40 0.0

line true false branch
47 0 0 unless my $files = $self->mirror($uri, $file_zip)
48 0 0 if (@$files > 0)
49 0 0 unless my $fc = 'Metabrik::File::Compress'->new_from_brik_init($self)
52 0 0 unless my $new_files = $fc->uncompress($file, $outfile, $datadir)
65 0 0 unless $self->brik_help_run_undef_arg('load', $file)
66 0 0 unless $self->brik_help_run_file_not_found('load', $file)
70 0 0 unless my $fx = 'Metabrik::File::Xml'->new_from_brik_init($self)
72 0 0 unless my $xml = $fx->read($datadir . '/' . $file)
81 0 0 unless $self->brik_help_run_undef_arg('show', $h)
82 0 0 unless $self->brik_help_run_invalid_arg('show', $h, 'HASH')
110 0 0 if (defined $description_summary)
114 0 0 if (defined $extended_description)
122 0 0 if (defined $relationships)
126 0 0 if (ref $relationships eq 'HASH')
158 0 0 unless $self->brik_help_run_undef_arg('load', $xml)
159 0 0 unless $self->brik_help_run_undef_arg('search', $pattern)
162 0 0 if (exists $xml->{'Weaknesses'} and exists $xml->{'Weaknesses'}{'Weakness'})
166 0 0 if ($this->{'name'} =~ /$pattern/i or $this->{'id'} =~ /^$pattern$/)
173 0 0 if (exists $xml->{'Categories'} and exists $xml->{'Categories'}{'Category'})
177 0 0 if ($this->{'name'} =~ /$pattern/i or $this->{'id'} =~ /^$pattern$/)