Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 18 22 81.8

line true false branch
127 1583 0 if (defined $score and defined $cui and defined $string and defined $preferredName and defined $semanticTypes and defined $matchMapText and defined $involvesHead and defined $isOvermatch and defined $uniqueSources) { }
154 1483 100 if ($string =~ /'(.*)'/)
157 1564 19 if ($preferredName =~ /'(.*)'/)
162 505 1078 if ($involvesHead eq 'yes') { }
168 0 1583 if ($isOvermatch eq 'yes') { }
188 1623 2687 if ($wordNumber + $wordsInToken > $endWordNumber)
194 1623 2687 if ($wordNumber > $endWordNumber)
250 5597 3081 if ($tokenA->equals($tokenB))
258 3000 5597 if ($match < 1)
278 0 4086 if ($self->{'cui'} ne $other->{'cui'} or $self->{'text'} ne $other->{'text'} or $self->{'preferredName'} ne $other->{'preferredName'} or $self->{'score'} ne $other->{'score'} or $self->{'uniqueSources'} ne $other->{'uniqueSources'} or $self->{'semanticTypes'} ne $other->{'semanticTypes'} or $self->{'involvesHead'} ne $other->{'involvesHead'} or $self->{'isOvermatch'} ne $other->{'isOvermatch'} or $self->{'matchMapText'} ne $other->{'matchMapText'} or $self->{'isNegated'} ne $other->{'isNegated'})
312 0 284 if (scalar @{$self->{'associatedTokens'};} < 1)