Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 33 40 82.5

line true false branch
11 0 2 unless open my $fh, $filename
14 0 2 unless $file =~ /^(MMMMM|-----).+Meal-Master/
28 2 242 unless defined $line
29 242 0 if $line =~ /Title:/
31 2 242 unless defined $line
34 0 242 unless $title
43 242 0 if $categories
48 0 242 unless $yield
56 22 5420 unless $line
58 0 5420 unless defined $line
59 485 4935 if $dflag == 0 and $line =~ /^\s*$/
61 242 4693 if ($line =~ /^[M-]+$/) { }
32 4661 elsif ($line =~ /^[M|-]{4,}/) { }
10 4651 elsif ($line =~ /^ *([A-Z ]+):$/) { }
1755 2896 elsif (length $line > 12 and substr($line, 0, 7) =~ m[^[ 0-9\.\/]+$] and substr($line, 7, 4) =~ /^ .. $/) { }
79 2281 615 if ($line)
99 2 240 unless $text
110 491 1264 if (length $line > 40 and $line =~ /^.{40} ...... .. ./) { }
158 99 1907 if (not defined $i->quantity && !(defined $i->measure && $i->product =~ /^-/)) { }
178 2 6168 unless defined $line