Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 48 0.0

line true false branch
36 0 0 if $r->debug
41 0 0 unless $r->can('maybe_many_link_views')
44 0 0 if $r->debug > 1
97 0 0 unless $object
143 0 0 ref $objects eq 'ARRAY' ? :
155 0 0 $args{'fields'} ? :
160 0 0 unless $args{'with_colnames'}
164 0 0 unless @data
169 0 0 $self->action eq 'list' ? :
214 0 0 if $params{'search_opt_order_by'}
217 0 0 if $params{'order'}
219 0 0 $order_dir eq 'desc' ? :
226 0 0 if ($names{$field}) { }
230 0 0 if ($self->action eq 'do_search') { }
0 0 elsif ($self->action eq 'list') { }
250 0 0 if ($order_by and $order_by eq $field)
252 0 0 $order_dir eq 'asc' ? :
284 0 0 if ($self->debug and not $str_col)
292 0 0 unless @_
293 0 0 if @_ == 1
295 0 0 if @_ < 3 or $self->template =~ /view/
301 0 0 $_ eq $str_col ? :
311 0 0 if ($field_callback)
316 0 0 if $callback