Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 13 20 65.0

line true false branch
101 0 0 unless scalar @_
120 0 53 if $n and $A
132 0 170 unless ref $l eq 'Math::Zap::Line2'
149 0 0 unless ref $l eq 'Math::Zap::Line2'
222 8 40 if abs 1 - abs($a->ab->norm * $b->ab->norm) < 0.001
237 0 14 if $a->parallel($b)
254 1 10 if $a->parallel($b)
257 9 1 if 0 <= $i->y
271 3 9 if $a->parallel($b)
274 7 1 if 0 <= $i->x and $i->x <= 1 and 0 <= $i->y