Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 62 116 53.4

line true false branch
52 0 7 if $self->{'_type'} != 2
54 0 7 if $self->{'_order'} != 1
57 0 12 unless $key =~ /^(start|order|type|minlen|maxlen|file|end|scale)$/
71 0 7 unless (-f $self->{'_file'} and -e $self->{'_file'})
76 0 7 unless -f $self->{'_file'}
80 0 7 unless defined $self->{'_obj'}
91 0 7 if $self->{'_minlen'} >= $self->{'_maxlen'}
100 2 6 if $n < 0
119 0 1 unless defined $str
120 0 1 if $str eq '' and $self->{'_minlen'} <= 0
124 0 1 if (defined $self->{'_sep'}) { }
127 0 0 if $chars[0] eq ''
128 0 0 if $chars[-1] eq $self->{'_sep'}
141 0 1 if scalar @chars < $self->{'_minlen'}
142 0 1 if scalar @chars > $self->{'_maxlen'}
147 0 1 unless defined $self->str2num($c)
159 3 4 unless wantarray
192 0 1 if (@_ > 1) { }
202 0 1 unless ref $x
207 0 13 if (ref $x->{$k} eq 'SCALAR') { }
1 12 elsif ($k eq '_obj') { }
1 11 elsif (ref $x->{$k} eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 11 elsif (ref $x->{$k} eq 'HASH') { }
2 9 elsif (ref $x->{$k}) { }
268 0 0 unless defined $class
271 0 0 if $class == 0
273 0 0 if $class == 1
284 62 4 unless ref $x
285 0 66 unless $x->sign =~ /^[+-]$/
289 60 6 if ($int > 0)
293 1 65 wantarray ? :
301 0 48 if not defined $str or $str eq ''
309 5 43 if $leftstr eq $str
311 5 38 if $rightstr eq $str
322 79 0 if ($rr - $ll > 1)
325 2 77 if $mm == $ll
326 0 79 if $mm == $rr
338 2 77 if $middle == $left
339 0 79 if $middle == $right
343 38 41 if $middlestr eq $str
350 2 39 if ($cmp < 0) { }
359 0 0 if $right - $left == 1
369 2 2 if $char < 0
378 0 5 if $count < $self->{'_minlen'}
379 0 5 if defined $self->{'_maxlen'} and $count > $self->{'_maxlen'}
380 0 5 if $count == 0
384 5 0 if $count == 1
393 0 0 if $s ne ''
402 0 2 if $count < $self->{'_minlen'}
403 0 2 if defined $self->{'_maxlen'} and $count > $self->{'_maxlen'}
404 0 2 if $count == 0
407 2 0 if $count == 1
416 0 0 if $s ne ''
424 0 1 if ($str->{'_cache'} eq '')
426 0 0 if $min <= 0
446 0 1 if ($str->{'_cache'} eq '')
448 0 0 if $min >= 0
463 0 0 if $self->{'_obj'}