Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 46 69.5

line true false branch
127 0 4 unless defined $formula
131 0 4 unless defined $parsed
134 0 4 unless defined $start
138 0 4 unless defined $start
143 0 4 if (@sig != 1 and not defined $variable)
147 2 2 unless defined $variable
174 2 85 if ($$self{'cached'} and defined $$self{'cache'}[$next_index])
184 12 73 if $$self{'cached'}
205 1 2 if @_
224 4 40 if (@_ and defined $_[0]) { }
226 2 2 if $index < 0
249 0 20 unless defined $index
251 2 18 if $index < 0
253 3 15 if $$self{'cached'} and defined $$self{'cache'}[$index]
257 1 14 if ($$self{'cached'}) { }
258 1 0 if ($index > $#{$$self{'cache'};}) { }
267 0 0 if defined $$self{'cache'}[$index]
275 0 0 if $last_defined < 0
287 0 14 if $index == $$self{'current'}
291 11 3 if ($index < $$self{'current'}) { }
325 0 20 if $prev_index < 0
327 0 10 if not $$self{'cached'} and $warnings
331 10 10 if ($$self{'cached'} and defined $$self{'cache'}[$prev_index])