Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 14 56 25.0

line true false branch
11 0 1 unless (defined $Math::BigInt::VERSION)
294 4 0 ref $ix eq 'Math::BigFloat' ? :
295 0 4 if $ix->accuracy
298 2 0 if ($x == int $x and $xdigits <= 44 and int($x) - 2 <= $#_Riemann_Zeta_Table)
319 1 1 if ($x > 15 and $x <= 50)
339 2 0 if ($Math::BigFloat::VERSION < 1.9996 or $x != $intx)
346 0 0 if ($x == $intx and $x >= 2 and not $intx & 1 and $intx < 100)
358 0 0 if $Bn < 0
369 0 2 if ($x >= 50)
376 0 0 if $term < $sum * $tol
388 2 0 if $dig < $xdigits
391 0 2 if (ref $_Borwein_dk[0] ne 'Math::BigInt')
406 68 67 $k % 2 ? :
408 135 0 unless ref $term eq 'Math::BigFloat'
410 0 135 if $term->copy->babs < $tol
423 0 0 if (ref $x eq 'Math::BigInt')
426 0 0 if $xacc
428 0 0 if ref $x ne 'Math::BigFloat'
438 0 0 if ($xdigits <= length $x->copy->as_int->bstr) { }
442 0 0 if $mob == 0
448 0 0 if abs $term < $tol * abs($sum)
456 0 0 if ($_Riemann_Zeta_premult_accuracy < $xdigits)
463 0 0 unless (defined $zeta_term)
464 0 0 $xdigits > 44 ? :
465 0 0 unless (defined $zeta)
467 0 0 if ($k + 1 >= 100 and $xdigits <= 40) { }
478 0 0 if defined $_Riemann_Zeta_Table[$k - 1]
484 0 0 if $term < $tol * $sum