Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 523 1227 42.6

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
2315 0 0 not Math::Prime::Util::prime_get_config()->{'xs'} || ref $sum and 1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
54 0 4 0 !defined($ENV{'MPU_NO_MPFR'}) || $ENV{'MPU_NO_MPFR'} != 1 and eval { do { require Math::MPFR; $Math::MPFR::VERSION >= 2.03 } }
56 4 0 0 $_have_MPFR and Math::MPFR::MPFR_VERSION_MAJOR() < 3
58 1191 0 0 $_have_MPFR and scalar @_ == 2
61 0 0 0 Math::MPFR::MPFR_VERSION_MAJOR() == $major and Math::MPFR::MPFR_VERSION_MINOR() < $minor
82 0 0 0 defined $_[0] and $_[0] ne ''
111 15 0 0 defined $i and defined $f
116 0 0 15 defined $i and defined $f
144 148 0 0 $n =~ tr[0-9][\000-/:-\377]c and not $n =~ /^\+\d+$/
146 148 0 0 defined $min and $n < $min
147 148 0 0 defined $max and $n > $max
169 13138 0 1 $strn =~ tr[0-9][\000-/:-\377]c and not $strn =~ /^\+?\d+$/
177 13015 846 0 ref $_[0] eq 'Math::BigInt' and $_[0]->upgrade
178 13845 16 0 defined $min and $_[0] < $min
179 13861 0 0 defined $max and $_[0] > $max
194 433 256 496 $n <= $poscmp and $n >= $negcmp
197 30 0 0 $strn =~ tr[\-0-9][\000-,./:-\377]c and not $strn =~ /^[-+]?\d+$/
199 2 1 27 $n <= $poscmp and $n >= $negcmp
205 523 692 0 ref $_[0] and $_[0]->upgrade
213 0 0 0 defined $exitsub and &$exitsub($n, $lo, $hi)
253 8202 241 0 ref $n eq 'Math::BigInt' and $n <= {sign => '+', value => [709551615, 446744073, 18]}
269 36 635 5163 $n % 7 and $n % 11
635 337 4826 $n % 7 and $n % 11 and $n % 13
337 17 4809 $n % 7 and $n % 11 and $n % 13 and $n % 17
17 181 4628 $n % 7 and $n % 11 and $n % 13 and $n % 17 and $n % 19
181 168 4460 $n % 7 and $n % 11 and $n % 13 and $n % 17 and $n % 19 and $n % 23
168 177 4283 $n % 7 and $n % 11 and $n % 13 and $n % 17 and $n % 19 and $n % 23 and $n % 29
177 8 4275 $n % 7 and $n % 11 and $n % 13 and $n % 17 and $n % 19 and $n % 23 and $n % 29 and $n % 31
8 164 4111 $n % 7 and $n % 11 and $n % 13 and $n % 17 and $n % 19 and $n % 23 and $n % 29 and $n % 31 and $n % 37
164 154 3957 $n % 7 and $n % 11 and $n % 13 and $n % 17 and $n % 19 and $n % 23 and $n % 29 and $n % 31 and $n % 37 and $n % 41
154 173 3784 $n % 7 and $n % 11 and $n % 13 and $n % 17 and $n % 19 and $n % 23 and $n % 29 and $n % 31 and $n % 37 and $n % 41 and $n % 43
173 12 3772 $n % 7 and $n % 11 and $n % 13 and $n % 17 and $n % 19 and $n % 23 and $n % 29 and $n % 31 and $n % 37 and $n % 41 and $n % 43 and $n % 47
12 8 3764 $n % 7 and $n % 11 and $n % 13 and $n % 17 and $n % 19 and $n % 23 and $n % 29 and $n % 31 and $n % 37 and $n % 41 and $n % 43 and $n % 47 and $n % 53
8 158 3606 $n % 7 and $n % 11 and $n % 13 and $n % 17 and $n % 19 and $n % 23 and $n % 29 and $n % 31 and $n % 37 and $n % 41 and $n % 43 and $n % 47 and $n % 53 and $n % 59
287 4 10 653 $n % $i and $n % ($i + 6)
14 4 649 $n % $i and $n % ($i + 6) and $n % ($i + 10)
14 12 637 $n % $i and $n % ($i + 6) and $n % ($i + 10) and $n % ($i + 12)
16 6 631 $n % $i and $n % ($i + 6) and $n % ($i + 10) and $n % ($i + 12) and $n % ($i + 16)
18 3 628 $n % $i and $n % ($i + 6) and $n % ($i + 10) and $n % ($i + 12) and $n % ($i + 16) and $n % ($i + 18)
9 3 625 $n % $i and $n % ($i + 6) and $n % ($i + 10) and $n % ($i + 12) and $n % ($i + 16) and $n % ($i + 18) and $n % ($i + 22)
6 1 624 $n % $i and $n % ($i + 6) and $n % ($i + 10) and $n % ($i + 12) and $n % ($i + 16) and $n % ($i + 18) and $n % ($i + 22) and $n % ($i + 28)
324 0 4180 0 defined $n and int $n < 0
331 551 1052 2242 $n % 2 and $n % 3
1052 428 1814 $n % 2 and $n % 3 and $n % 5
345 0 60 0 defined $n and int $n < 0
356 0 5 0 defined $n and $n < 2
429 547 0 0 ref $end and $end <= {sign => '+', value => [709551615, 446744073, 18]}
503 0 0 0 $low <= 2 and $high >= 2
504 0 0 0 $low <= 3 and $high >= 3
505 0 0 0 $low <= 5 and $high >= 5
513 0 0 0 _miller_rabin_2($p) and is_extra_strong_lucas_pseudoprime($p)
534 13 0 0 $Math::Prime::Util::_GMPfunc{'sieve_primes'} and $Math::Prime::Util::GMP::VERSION >= 0.34
539 12 0 0 $low > 1000000000000 and $high - $low < int $low / 1000000
543 8 0 4 $low <= 2 and $high >= 2
544 8 0 4 $low <= 3 and $high >= 3
545 8 0 4 $low <= 5 and $high >= 5
574 0 0 0 $n <= 2 and $n + $width - 1 >= 2
575 0 0 0 $n <= 3 and $n + $width - 1 >= 3
576 0 0 0 $n <= 4 and $n + $width - 1 >= 4
0 0 0 $n <= 4 and $n + $width - 1 >= 4 and $depth < 2
621 1 10 1 $hi - $lo < 20000 and $lo < 18446744073709551615
644 2928 3111 10579 ($_ + $c) % 3 and ($_ + $c) % 5
727 0 0 0 ($k & 3) == 1 and is_prime($k + 1 >> 1)
739 0 0 0 @$L and $L->[0] < $low
740 0 0 0 @$L and $L->[-1] > $high
766 11 917 5 ref $n ne 'Math::BigInt' and $n >= 18446744073709551557
770 917 11 0 $n > 4294967295 and Math::Prime::Util::prime_get_config()->{'gmp'}
775 53 51 11 Math::BigInt::bgcd($n, {sign => '+', value => [568529303, 51702675, 261944]})->is_one and _miller_rabin_2($n)
51 0 11 Math::BigInt::bgcd($n, {sign => '+', value => [568529303, 51702675, 261944]})->is_one and _miller_rabin_2($n) and is_extra_strong_lucas_pseudoprime($n)
780 669 2674 917 $n % 7 and _is_prime7($n)
791 154 2 0 $n > 4294967295 and Math::Prime::Util::prime_get_config()->{'gmp'}
796 14 5 3 Math::BigInt::bgcd($n, {sign => '+', value => [568529303, 51702675, 261944]})->is_one and _miller_rabin_2($n)
5 1 2 Math::BigInt::bgcd($n, {sign => '+', value => [568529303, 51702675, 261944]})->is_one and _miller_rabin_2($n) and is_extra_strong_lucas_pseudoprime($n)
801 464 2464 154 $n % 7 and _is_prime7($n)
890 0 105 0 defined $n and $n < 0
929 100 1 0 ref $totient eq 'Math::BigInt' and $totient->bacmp({sign => '+', value => [709551615, 446744073, 18]}) <= 0
940 3 0 5 $lo < 0 and $lo <= $hi
968 0 11 0 defined $n and $n < 0
971 1 0 10 $n % 4 && $n % 9 && $n % 25 && $n % 49
0 10 1 $n >= 49 and not $n % 4 && $n % 9 && $n % 25 && $n % 49
1011 219 9 1 $n < $maxd and &Math::Prime::Util::is_prime(2 * $n + 1)
1140 2 1 0 $pe[0][0] == 2 and $pe[0][1] > 2
1159 0 0 1 $n % 9 and $n % 25
0 0 1 $n % 9 and $n % 25 and $n % 49
0 0 1 $n % 9 and $n % 25 and $n % 49 and $n % 121
1205 0 0 0 $n % 4 and $n % 9
0 0 0 $n % 4 and $n % 9 and $n % 25
0 0 0 $n % 4 and $n % 9 and $n % 25 and $n % 49
0 0 0 $n % 4 and $n % 9 and $n % 25 and $n % 49 and $n % 121
1253 0 0 0 defined $p and int $p < 0
1261 0 0 0 $nfac == $pm1 and $p % $n != 1
1291 0 0 0 defined $k && $k == 0
1294 1 4 831 defined $k and ref $k eq 'CODE'
1322 0 3 0 ref $n and ref $n ne 'Math::BigInt'
1513 13 1 6 $low <= 2 and $high >= 2
1556 10 0 0 $n > 425656284035217743 and ref $n ne 'Math::BigFloat'
2202 0 0 0 $n > 59 and $n <= 1092
2224 0 0 0 ref $nth and $nth->bacmp({sign => '+', value => [709551615, 446744073, 18]}) <= 0
2235 0 0 0 ref $nth and $nth->bacmp({sign => '+', value => [709551615, 446744073, 18]}) <= 0
2306 0 0 0 $low <= 2 and $high >= 29505444491
2315 0 0 0 not Math::Prime::Util::prime_get_config()->{'xs'} || ref $sum and 1 and $high - $low > 1000000
2323 0 0 0 $high < 600000000000000 && Math::Prime::Util::prime_get_config()->{'xs'}
2324 0 0 0 $xssum && $high > 50000000000000
2479 2 0 1 abs $x < 9223372036854775807 and abs $y < 9223372036854775807
2510 7 0 0 $Math::Prime::Util::_GMPfunc{'chinese'} and $Math::Prime::Util::GMP::VERSION >= 0.42
2514 0 0 0 ref $sum and $sum->bacmp({sign => '+', value => [709551615, 446744073, 18]}) <= 0
2520 2 12 0 not ref $ai and abs $ai > 9223372036854775807 || 0
2521 2 12 0 not ref $ni and abs $ni > 9223372036854775807 || 0
2534 4 3 0 $g != 1 and $sum % $g != $ai % $g
2538 2 1 4 not ref $lcm and $lcm * $s > 18446744073709551615
2557 1 5 1 ref $sum and $sum->bacmp({sign => '+', value => [709551615, 446744073, 18]}) <= 0
2563 0 0 0 defined $hi and defined $lo
2594 14069 0 5 $prod->bacmp({sign => '+', value => [709551615, 446744073, 18]}) <= 0 and $prod->bcmp({sign => '-', value => [854775807, 223372036, 9]}) > 0
2631 0 0 0 not defined $base and $n =~ s/^0b//
2632 0 0 0 not defined $base and $n =~ s/^0x//
2723 0 0 0 $n->is_odd and not $a->copy->bmodpow($n - 1 >> 1, $n)->is_one
2738 18987 0 432 $n < 18446744073709551615 and $a >= 0
18987 0 432 $n < 18446744073709551615 and $a >= 0 and $a < 18446744073709551615
0 0 432 $n < 18446744073709551615 and $a >= 0 and $a < 18446744073709551615 and $b >= 0
0 0 432 $n < 18446744073709551615 and $a >= 0 and $a < 18446744073709551615 and $b >= 0 and $b < 18446744073709551615
2747 7368 0 0 $n < 18446744073709551615 and $a > 0
7368 0 0 $n < 18446744073709551615 and $a > 0 and $a < 18446744073709551615
0 0 0 $n < 18446744073709551615 and $a > 0 and $a < 18446744073709551615 and $b > 0
0 0 0 $n < 18446744073709551615 and $a > 0 and $a < 18446744073709551615 and $b > 0 and $b < 18446744073709551615
2794 605 589 0 defined $refp and not ref $refp
2796 1190 0 4 abs $n <= 3 and not $a
2798 1190 0 0 $Math::Prime::Util::_GMPfunc{'is_power'} and $Math::Prime::Util::GMP::VERSION >= 0.42 || $Math::Prime::Util::GMP::VERSION >= 0.28 && $n > 0
2815 137 1053 0 defined $a and $a != 0
2817 0 0 0 $n < 0 and $a % 2 == 0
2854 412 131 128 not $next and defined $refp
2874 0 0 0 defined $refp and not ref $refp
2881 0 0 0 ref $r and $r->bacmp({sign => '+', value => [709551615, 446744073, 18]}) <= 0
2890 2 0 0 defined $refp and not ref $refp
2909 2 0 0 $n <= 4294967296 and $k <= 4294967296
2931 0 132 0 defined $n and $n < 0
2974 3 0 0 $len >= 0 and $len != scalar @d
2997 0 0 0 $base == 2 and $len < 0
2998 0 0 0 $base == 8 and $len < 0
2999 0 0 0 $base == 16 and $len < 0
3009 1 0 0 $base == 10 and ref($r) =~ /^Math::/
3011 1 0 0 ref $r and not ref($r) =~ /^Math::/
3064 0 0 0 defined $refp and not ref $refp
3100 0 103 0 $n > 1 and $n % 2
3226 21 0 0 $sprec <= 23 and $n > 54
21 0 0 $sprec <= 30 and $n > 348
0 21 0 $sprec <= 40 and $n > 2002
0 21 0 $sprec <= 50 and $n > 12644
3263 0 0 10 $base > 1 and $base != $n - 1
3283 0 0 0 $base > 1 and $base != $n - 1
3384 769 2 0 $base == $n - 1 and $base % 2 == 1
3464 0 0 0 $v % 2 == 1 and $a % 8 == 3 || $a % 8 == 5
3471 419 287 2 ref $b eq 'Math::BigInt' and $b <= {sign => '+', value => [709551615, 446744073, 18]}
3472 707 1 0 ref $a eq 'Math::BigInt' and $a <= {sign => '+', value => [709551615, 446744073, 18]}
3478 158 65 227 $v % 2 == 1 and $b % 8 == 3 || $b % 8 == 5
3480 806 143 75 $a % 4 == 3 and $b % 4 == 3
3483 457 7 560 ref $a eq 'Math::BigInt' and $a <= {sign => '+', value => [709551615, 446744073, 18]}
464 286 274 ref $a eq 'Math::BigInt' and $a <= {sign => '+', value => [709551615, 446744073, 18]} and ref $b eq 'Math::BigInt'
293 0 274 ref $a eq 'Math::BigInt' and $a <= {sign => '+', value => [709551615, 446744073, 18]} and ref $b eq 'Math::BigInt' and $b <= {sign => '+', value => [709551615, 446744073, 18]}
3521 0 1 0 $k < 0 and $k > $n
3531 0 1 0 $r > 0 and not $k & 1
3532 0 0 1 $r > 0 and $r <= 9223372036854775807
3578 564 0 0 defined &Math::Prime::Util::GMP::factorial and Math::Prime::Util::prime_get_config()->{'gmp'}
3648 0 0 0 $Math::Prime::Util::_GMPfunc{'znorder'} and $Math::Prime::Util::_GMPfunc{'totient'}
3657 0 0 0 $s % 2 == 0 and &Math::Prime::Util::powmod($a, $s / 2, $n) == 1
3658 0 0 0 $s % 3 == 0 and &Math::Prime::Util::powmod($a, $s / 3, $n) == 1
3659 0 0 0 $s % 5 == 0 and &Math::Prime::Util::powmod($a, $s / 5, $n) == 1
3662 0 0 0 $fp > 5 and &Math::Prime::Util::powmod($a, $s / $fp, $n) == 1
3789 0 0 1 defined $n and $n > 1000
3792 1 0 0 ref $x and $x->bacmp({sign => '+', value => [709551615, 446744073, 18]}) <= 0
3793 0 0 1 $x > 0 and $g->copy->bmodpow($x, $p) == $a
3794 0 0 0 $x == 0 and $_verbose
3795 0 0 0 $x > 0 and $_verbose > 1
3799 1 0 0 ref $x and $x->bacmp({sign => '+', value => [709551615, 446744073, 18]}) <= 0
3849 32 0 0 $gcd > 1 and $gcd != $n
3870 396 0 0 $gcd > 1 and $gcd != $n
3888 157 0 0 $Math::Prime::Util::_GMPfunc{'lucas_sequence'} and $Math::Prime::Util::GMP::VERSION >= 0.3
3948 0 0 143 $P > {sign => '+', value => [2]} and not $Dinverse->is_nan
4139 0 6 19 $k > 0 and not $k % 2
4173 143 0 2787 $k->is_even and not $k->is_zero
4180 80 4 59 $U == 0 and $V == {sign => '+', value => [2]} || $V == $n - {sign => '+', value => [2]}
4256 0 0 0 $ra == 1 && $rb == $n - 1
4272 0 0 0 $a == 20 and _is_perfect_square($n)
4276 1 0 0 $temp1 != 1 and $temp1 != $n
4305 1 0 0 $s == 0 && $t == $temp1
4334 2 0 0 $restrict > 2 and $n % 2 == 0
4349 0 0 0 $S[0] == $A and $S[2] == $B
0 0 0 $S[0] == $A and $S[2] == $B and $S[3] == $B
0 0 0 $S[0] == $A and $S[2] == $B and $S[3] == $B and $S[5] == $C
0 0 0 $S[0] == $A and $S[2] == $B and $S[3] == $B and $S[5] == $C and $B != 3
0 0 0 $S[0] == $A and $S[2] == $B and $S[3] == $B and $S[5] == $C and $B != 3 and addmod(mulmod($B2, $B, $n), $n - $B, $n) == 1
4351 0 0 0 $j == 0 and $n != 23
0 0 0 $j == 0 and $n != 23 and $restrict > 2
4352 0 0 0 $S[0] == 1 and $S[2] == 3
0 0 0 $S[0] == 1 and $S[2] == 3 and $S[3] == 3
0 0 0 $S[0] == 1 and $S[2] == 3 and $S[3] == 3 and $S[5] == 2
4353 0 0 0 $S[0] == 0 and $S[5] == $n - 1
0 0 0 $S[0] == 0 and $S[5] == $n - 1 and $S[2] != $S[3]
0 0 0 $S[0] == 0 and $S[5] == $n - 1 and $S[2] != $S[3] and addmod($S[2], $S[3], $n) == $n - 3
0 0 0 $S[0] == 0 and $S[5] == $n - 1 and $S[2] != $S[3] and addmod($S[2], $S[3], $n) == $n - 3 and mulmod(addmod($S[2], $n - $S[3], $n), addmod($S[2], $n - $S[3], $n), $n) == $n - 23 % $n
4367 1 0 0 defined $P and defined $Q
4374 0 0 1 $P == 0 and $Q == 0
4384 1 0 0 $P == 10001 and _is_perfect_square($n)
4402 1 0 0 $U == 0 and $V == $Vcomp
4424 0 0 0 $p > 3 and $p % 4 == 3
0 0 0 $p > 3 and $p % 4 == 3 and $p < 9223372036854775807
0 0 0 $p > 3 and $p % 4 == 3 and $p < 9223372036854775807 and is_prob_prime($p * 2 + 1)
4588 0 21 1 ref $_[0] and $_[0]->upgrade
4600 0 22 0 $] >= 5.008 and $_[0] <= {sign => '+', value => [709551615, 446744073, 18]}
4603 0 39 0 $_[0] > 1 and _is_prime7($_[0])
4622 152 0 128 $n > 400000000 and $_primes_small[-1] < 99000
152 127 1 $n > 400000000 and $_primes_small[-1] < 99000 and !defined($limit) || $limit > $_primes_small[-1]
4647 20 86 0 $start_idx <= $#_primes_small and $_primes_small[$start_idx] > $limit
4688 960 0 0 $n->copy->bmod($f)->is_zero and $f->bacmp($limit) <= 0
4748 159 21 10 ref $n eq 'Math::BigInt' and $n <= {sign => '+', value => [709551615, 446744073, 18]}
4750 97 93 90 $n >= $lim * $lim and not _is_prime7($n)
4761 74 0 16 ref $n eq 'Math::BigInt' and $n <= {sign => '+', value => [709551615, 446744073, 18]}
4939 0 0 0 $f != 1 and $r-- != 0
4955 1643 0 10 $f != 1 and $f != $n
4964 51396 0 74 $f != 1 and $f != $n
5050 68 0 0 $pc_beg > 2 and ($j - 1) % 256
5084 0 0 2 $f->is_one and $B2 > $B1
5331 2 0 10 $f == 1 and $B2 > $B1
5435 67 279 54 @factors and $p == $factors[0]
5533 0 0 0 ref $n and $n->bacmp({sign => '+', value => [709551615, 446744073, 18]}) <= 0
5601 6 12 0 $x > 0 and _MPFR_available()
5615 18 0 0 defined $bignum::VERSION and ref $x ne 'Math::BigFloat'
5696 0 26 0 $x >= 1 and _MPFR_available()
5725 10 0 15 ref $x and not defined $bignum::VERSION
10 15 0 ref $x and not defined $bignum::VERSION and $x <= 1e+16
5726 25 0 0 defined $bignum::VERSION and ref $x ne 'Math::BigFloat'
5727 10 15 0 ref $x and ref $x ne 'Math::BigFloat'
25 0 0 ref $x and ref $x ne 'Math::BigFloat' and $x > 1e+16
5887 4 144 8 $x == int $x and defined $_Riemann_Zeta_Table[int($x) - 2]
6164 31 941 0 !$have_xdigits || $digits > 60 and _MPFR_available()
6178 971 0 0 $have_bigint_gmp and $digits > 100
6268 0 0 0 $primeq != -1 and $primeq != 0
6271 1 0 0 $n == 0 and $minn <= 1
6307 5 0 0 $primeq == 0 and &Math::Prime::Util::vecany(sub { is_prime($_); } , @a[0 .. $k])
6308 5 0 0 $primeq == 2 and &Math::Prime::Util::vecany(sub { not is_prime($_); } , @a[0 .. $k])
6339 1 1 1 $i >= 0 and $c[$i] >= $n - ($k - $i)
6375 1 2 1 $j < $k and $c[$j] > $c[$j - 1]
6660 0 1 0 defined $b and int $b < 0
6672 0 1 0 ref $n and $n->bacmp({sign => '+', value => [709551615, 446744073, 18]}) <= 0
6678 0 1 0 defined $b and int $b < 0
6760 0 1 0 ref $n and $n->bacmp({sign => '+', value => [709551615, 446744073, 18]}) <= 0

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
2439 1 0 shift() || 0
2520 0 12 abs $ai > 9223372036854775807 || 0
2521 2 10 abs $ni > 9223372036854775807 || 0
4508 103 0 $$pp[$n % $r] || 0
4509 103 0 $pp->[0] || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
54 4 0 0 !defined($ENV{'MPU_NO_MPFR'}) || $ENV{'MPU_NO_MPFR'} != 1
124 0 0 0 defined $bignum::VERSION or ref($_[0]) =~ /^Math::Big/
144 0 0 148 $n eq '' or $n =~ tr[0-9][\000-/:-\377]c and not $n =~ /^\+\d+$/
149 144 0 4 $n < 18446744073709551615 or int $n eq '18446744073709551615'
161 0 0 723 $n->sign ne '+' or not $n->is_int
169 0 2 13137 $strn eq '' or $strn =~ tr[0-9][\000-/:-\377]c and not $strn =~ /^\+?\d+$/
197 0 0 30 $strn eq '' or $strn =~ tr[\-0-9][\000-,./:-\377]c and not $strn =~ /^[-+]?\d+$/
330 37 22 9 $n == 2 || $n == 3 || $n == 5
451 536 0 0 not defined $limit or $sqlimit < $limit
529 6 0 163 $low > $high or $high < 2
539 1 0 12 ref $low eq 'Math::BigInt' or ref $high eq 'Math::BigInt'
1 0 12 ref $low eq 'Math::BigInt' or ref $high eq 'Math::BigInt' or $low > 1000000000000 and $high - $low < int $low / 1000000
583 0 0 0 $depth < 3 or $_ % 3
736 0 0 0 $low > $high or $high < 2
946 0 3 0 $hi > 1073741824 or $hi - $lo < 100
1011 0 1 228 $n == 1 or $n < $maxd and &Math::Prime::Util::is_prime(2 * $n + 1)
1018 1 1 366 $r == $p or _totpred($r, $d)
1112 0 0 0 $k < 1 or $n < 1
1115 0 0 0 $m == 0 or $k == $g
1158 0 0 1 $n < 561 or $n % 2 == 0
1195 0 0 3 $pe->[1] > 1 or ($n - 1) % ($pe->[0] - 1) != 0
1243 0 0 0 $k == 0 or $k >= $spf
1303 1 2 2 not defined $k or _validate_num($k)
3 2 0 not defined $k or _validate_num($k) or _validate_positive_integer($k)
1444 0 498 7929 not defined $sref or $send >= length $$sref
1520 1 0 17 ref $low eq 'Math::BigInt' or ref $high eq 'Math::BigInt'
1 1 16 ref $low eq 'Math::BigInt' or ref $high eq 'Math::BigInt' or $high - $low < 10
1 0 16 ref $low eq 'Math::BigInt' or ref $high eq 'Math::BigInt' or $high - $low < 10 or $high - $low < int $low / 100000000000
1606 0 1 0 $n > 425656284035217743 or $n > 35184372088832
1639 1 2 0 $n > 425656284035217743 or $n > 35184372088832
1661 0 0 0 $n > 425656284035217743 or $n > 35184372088832
1687 0 0 0 $n > 425656284035217743 or $n > 35184372088832
1719 0 0 1 ref $n eq 'Math::BigInt' or $n >= 425656284035217743
1794 5 0 0 $x < 1e+36 or _MPFR_available()
5 0 0 $x < 1e+36 or _MPFR_available() or $Math::Prime::Util::_GMPfunc{'riemannr'}
1827 8 0 2 ref $x eq 'Math::BigInt' or ref $_[0] eq 'Math::BigInt'
1844 7 0 2 $x < 1.4e+25 or Math::Prime::Util::prime_get_config()->{'assume_rh'}
1861 0 0 0 defined $bignum::VERSION || ref($x) =~ /^Math::Big/
1916 0 0 0 defined $bignum::VERSION || ref($x) =~ /^Math::Big/
1976 8 0 2 ref $x eq 'Math::BigInt' or ref $_[0] eq 'Math::BigInt'
1994 8 0 0 $x < 5.5e+25 or Math::Prime::Util::prime_get_config()->{'assume_rh'}
2030 0 0 0 defined $bignum::VERSION || ref($x) =~ /^Math::Big/
2064 0 0 0 defined $bignum::VERSION || ref($x) =~ /^Math::Big/
2198 0 0 0 ref $n or $n > 1.27e+16
2315 0 0 0 Math::Prime::Util::prime_get_config()->{'xs'} || ref $sum
2448 1 12 0 $_ < 2147483647 && !ref($_) || ref $_ eq 'Math::BigInt'
2457 3 9 0 $_ < 2147483647 && !ref($_) || ref $_ eq 'Math::BigInt'
2577 243 271 1558 $sum > 18446744073709551365 or $sum < $neglim
2633 0 0 0 not defined $base or $base == 10
2649 0 0 4 $n == 0 or $a == 0
2654 0 0 0 not defined $invmod or $invmod->is_nan
2685 0 0 1 $n <= 2 or $a <= 1
2798 0 0 0 $Math::Prime::Util::GMP::VERSION >= 0.42 || $Math::Prime::Util::GMP::VERSION >= 0.28 && $n > 0
2933 0 0 132 $n < 2 or $k < 2
3128 0 2 103 $n < 0 or $n & 1
3140 0 0 518 $n == 0 or $m == 0
0 0 518 $n == 0 or $m == 0 or $m > $n
3142 48 465 5 $type == 1 or $type == 2
513 5 0 $type == 1 or $type == 2 or $type == 3
3226 0 0 21 $sprec <= 23 and $n > 54 or $sprec <= 30 and $n > 348
0 0 21 $sprec <= 23 and $n > 54 or $sprec <= 30 and $n > 348 or $sprec <= 40 and $n > 2002
0 0 21 $sprec <= 23 and $n > 54 or $sprec <= 30 and $n > 348 or $sprec <= 40 and $n > 2002 or $sprec <= 50 and $n > 12644
3305 0 0 0 $nmod8 == 1 || $nmod8 == 7
3306 0 0 0 $nmod8 == 1 || $nmod8 == 3 || $nmod8 == 5
3325 64 54 366 $x->is_one or $x->bcmp($nm1) == 0
3346 5 5 3196 $x == 1 or $x == $nm1
3354 0 67 19 $x == 1 or $x == $nm1
3384 0 0 771 $base == 0 or $base == $n - 1 and $base % 2 == 1
3406 40 50 70 $x->is_one or $x->bcmp($nminus1) == 0
3427 36 30 330 $x == 1 or $x == $n - 1
3438 6 192 6 $x == 1 or $x == $n - 1
3464 0 0 0 $a % 8 == 3 || $a % 8 == 5
3478 98 154 40 $b % 8 == 3 || $b % 8 == 5
3520 0 0 5234 $k < 0 or $k > $n
3598 0 0 0 $n >= $m or $m == 1
3624 0 5 136 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1
5 0 136 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1 or $mc == 4
5 12 124 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1 or $mc == 4 or $mc == 9
12 0 124 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1 or $mc == 4 or $mc == 9 or $mc == 16
12 6 118 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1 or $mc == 4 or $mc == 9 or $mc == 16 or $mc == 17
6 16 102 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1 or $mc == 4 or $mc == 9 or $mc == 16 or $mc == 17 or $mc == 25
3631 0 0 101 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1
0 0 101 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1 or $mc == 4
0 0 101 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1 or $mc == 4 or $mc == 9
0 0 101 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1 or $mc == 4 or $mc == 9 or $mc == 16
0 4 97 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1 or $mc == 4 or $mc == 9 or $mc == 16 or $mc == 17
4 4 93 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1 or $mc == 4 or $mc == 9 or $mc == 16 or $mc == 17 or $mc == 25
3643 0 0 0 $a < 0 or $a >= $n
3711 0 0 2 not defined $limit or $limit > $p
3782 0 0 2 $a == 1 or $g == 0
0 0 2 $a == 1 or $g == 0 or $p < 2
4117 0 0 5 $n % 2 == 0 or _is_perfect_square($n)
4131 0 0 6 $n % 2 == 0 or _is_perfect_square($n)
4162 0 0 143 $n % 2 == 0 or _is_perfect_square($n)
4180 18 45 0 $V == {sign => '+', value => [2]} || $V == $n - {sign => '+', value => [2]}
4194 0 0 85 $n % 2 == 0 or _is_perfect_square($n)
4220 6 14 65 $V == 2 or $V == $n - $TWO
4269 0 0 0 $a == 2 or $a == 4
0 0 0 $a == 2 or $a == 4 or $a == 7
0 0 0 $a == 2 or $a == 4 or $a == 7 or $a == 8
0 0 0 $a == 2 or $a == 4 or $a == 7 or $a == 8 or $a == 10
0 0 0 $a == 2 or $a == 4 or $a == 7 or $a == 8 or $a == 10 or $a == 14
0 0 0 $a == 2 or $a == 4 or $a == 7 or $a == 8 or $a == 10 or $a == 14 or $a == 16
0 0 0 $a == 2 or $a == 4 or $a == 7 or $a == 8 or $a == 10 or $a == 14 or $a == 16 or $a == 18
4272 0 0 0 $j == 0 or $a == 20 and _is_perfect_square($n)
4381 0 0 1 $P >= $n or $Du >= $n
4391 0 0 1 $n <= $Du or $n <= abs $Q
0 0 1 $n <= $Du or $n <= abs $Q or $n <= abs $P
4516 1 2 7 $n < 2 or is_power($n)
4622 0 1 127 !defined($limit) || $limit > $_primes_small[-1]
4631 0 0 106 not defined $limit or $limit > $newlim
4652 0 142 138 not defined $limit or $limit > $newlim
4779 0 0 125 $f == 1 or $f == $n
4856 0 0 1 $f == 1 or $f == $n
4943 0 0 0 $f == 1 or $f == $n
5062 2 2 0 not $f->is_one or $pc_end >= $B1
5115 2 0 0 not $f->is_one or $pc_end >= $B2
5146 0 0 2 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1
0 1 1 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1 or $mc == 4
1 0 1 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1 or $mc == 4 or $mc == 9
1 1 0 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1 or $mc == 4 or $mc == 9 or $mc == 16
1 0 0 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1 or $mc == 4 or $mc == 9 or $mc == 16 or $mc == 17
1 0 0 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1 or $mc == 4 or $mc == 9 or $mc == 16 or $mc == 17 or $mc == 25
5159 0 0 3 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1
0 0 3 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1 or $mc == 4
0 0 3 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1 or $mc == 4 or $mc == 9
0 1 2 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1 or $mc == 4 or $mc == 9 or $mc == 16
1 0 2 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1 or $mc == 4 or $mc == 9 or $mc == 16 or $mc == 17
1 0 2 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1 or $mc == 4 or $mc == 9 or $mc == 16 or $mc == 17 or $mc == 25
5185 0 0 1 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1
0 1 0 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1 or $mc == 4
1 0 0 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1 or $mc == 4 or $mc == 9
1 0 0 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1 or $mc == 4 or $mc == 9 or $mc == 16
0 0 0 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1 or $mc == 4 or $mc == 9 or $mc == 16 or $mc == 17
0 0 0 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1 or $mc == 4 or $mc == 9 or $mc == 16 or $mc == 17 or $mc == 25
5203 0 0 2 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1
0 0 2 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1 or $mc == 4
0 0 2 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1 or $mc == 4 or $mc == 9
0 0 2 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1 or $mc == 4 or $mc == 9 or $mc == 16
0 1 1 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1 or $mc == 4 or $mc == 9 or $mc == 16 or $mc == 17
1 0 1 $mc == 0 or $mc == 1 or $mc == 4 or $mc == 9 or $mc == 16 or $mc == 17 or $mc == 25
5388 13 364 1319 $i > $m + $m or is_prime($m + $m - $i)
5479 0 0 0 $n < 0 or $n % 4 == 1
0 0 0 $n < 0 or $n % 4 == 1 or $n % 4 == 2
5582 4 0 0 $n < 100000 or not Math::Prime::Util::prime_get_config()->{'xs'}
5699 0 0 0 defined $bignum::VERSION or ref($x) =~ /^Math::Big/
5881 0 4 156 defined $bignum::VERSION or ref($x) =~ /^Math::Big/
6020 0 4 10 defined $bignum::VERSION or ref($x) =~ /^Math::Big/
6164 1 940 31 !$have_xdigits || $digits > 60
6178 1 0 971 not $have_xdigits or $have_bigint_gmp and $digits > 100
6272 0 0 1 $n < $minn or $minn > $maxn
0 0 1 $n < $minn or $minn > $maxn or $mina > $maxa
0 0 1 $n < $minn or $minn > $maxn or $mina > $maxa or $maxn <= 0
0 0 1 $n < $minn or $minn > $maxn or $mina > $maxa or $maxn <= 0 or $maxa <= 0
6299 0 0 5 $mina > 1 or $maxa < $n
6444 0 0 0 $k < 0 or int $k / $f >= $n
6467 0 0 26 not defined $v or $v < 0
0 0 26 not defined $v or $v < 0 or $v >= $n
0 0 26 not defined $v or $v < 0 or $v >= $n or $S{$v}++
6489 0 0 0 not defined $k or $k > $n
6669 0 0 1 $n < $min or $n > $max