Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 154 192 80.2

line true false branch
260 14 0 if (scalar @_ > 0)
262 0 14 $_[0] == 0 ? :
305 30 14 if (@czp)
309 20 86 if (abs $coefficients[$j] > $epsilon)
330 22 22 if ($m > 1)
438 0 135 $ascending_flag == 0 ? :
450 0 135 if (@coefficients == 0)
473 15 120 if ($option{'root_function'} and poly_nonzero_term_count(@coefficients) == 2)
486 22 98 if ($option{'varsubst'} and $#coefficients > 1)
490 22 0 if $subst_degree > 1
509 87 33 if ($option{'hessenberg'} or $#coefficients > 4) { }
15 18 elsif ($#coefficients == 4) { }
4 14 elsif ($#coefficients == 3) { }
5 9 elsif ($#coefficients == 2) { }
9 0 elsif ($#coefficients == 1) { }
537 22 98 if $subst_degree > 1
614 7 15 if scalar @_ == 0
621 15 0 if (exists $option{$okey}) { }
624 7 8 $opts{$okey} ? :
660 0 87 $ascending_flag == 0 ? :
741 525 156 if ($i != $n) { }
755 156 525 if ($i == 0) { }
378 147 elsif ($i != $n) { }
768 9 672 if $c == 0 or $r == 0
786 173 499 if ($c + $r < 0.95 * $s * $f)
799 41 132 if ($i == 0) { }
808 145 28 if ($i != $n) { }
878 157 4058 if (abs $h[$d][$d - 1] <= $epsilon * (abs($h[$d - 1][$d - 1]) + abs($h[$d][$d])))
889 63 1235 if ($l == $n)
902 144 1091 if ($l == $na)
909 17 127 if ($q > 0) { }
914 9 8 if $p < 0
932 0 1091 if $its >= $iteration{'hessenberg'}
934 53 1038 if ($its and $its % 10 == 0)
981 1083 1726 if $d == $l
983 8 1718 if (abs($h[$d][$d - 1]) * (abs($q) + abs($r)) <= $epsilon * abs($p) * (abs($h[$d - 1][$d - 1]) + abs($z) + abs($h[$d + 1][$d + 1])))
1017 2809 1091 if ($k != $m)
1021 1718 1091 $notlast ? :
1024 0 2809 if $x == 0
1032 1896 2004 if $p < 0
1034 2809 1091 if ($k != $m) { }
8 1083 elsif ($l != $m) { }
1057 11892 2182 if ($notlast)
1068 2182 1718 if $j > $n
1078 13624 5005 if ($notlast)
1119 0 9 $ascending_flag == 0 ? :
1121 0 9 if (abs $a < $epsilon)
1127 9 0 wantarray ? :
1143 0 40 $ascending_flag == 0 ? :
1145 0 40 if (abs $a < $epsilon)
1151 2 38 if abs $c < $epsilon
1155 26 12 if $b < $epsilon
1178 0 23 $ascending_flag == 0 ? :
1181 0 23 if (abs $a < $epsilon)
1195 2 21 if (abs $d < $epsilon)
1218 10 11 if ($dis > $epsilon) { }
7 4 elsif ($dis < -$epsilon) { }
1231 1 9 if $r_p > 0
1232 7 3 if $r_q > 0
1287 0 22 $ascending_flag == 0 ? :
1290 0 22 if (abs $a < $epsilon)
1304 0 22 if (abs $e < $epsilon)
1344 2 20 if (abs $h < $epsilon) { }
16 4 elsif (abs $g * $g < $epsilon) { }
1515 0 21 if ($#coefficients == 1)
1523 0 0 if $root < $from or $root > $to
1536 0 21 if $range_count == 0
1537 13 8 if $range_count == 1
1565 39 20 if ($frommid_count == 0) { }
12 8 elsif ($midto_count == 0) { }
1583 0 51 if $its >= $iteration{'sturm_bisection'}
1650 16 39 unless $ascending_flag
1661 3 52 if $degree < 1
1665 3 49 if $degree < 2
1682 73 4 @remd ? :
1713 627 433 if $s1 != $s2
1795 24 32 ($#coefficients & 1) == 1 ? :
1900 0 0 if scalar @_ > 0
1929 0 16 unless $ascending_flag
1934 3 13 if (ref $xval_ref eq 'ARRAY') { }
1943 0 13 ref $xval_ref eq 'SCALAR' ? :
1964 20 75 if (abs $y <= $tolerance{'laguerre'})
1980 43 32 if abs $g - $f > abs $g + $f
1998 1 74 if (abs $dx <= $tolerance{'laguerre'})
2004 0 74 if $its >= $iteration{'laguerre'}
2039 0 2 unless $ascending_flag
2044 2 0 if (ref $xval_ref eq 'ARRAY') { }
2053 0 0 ref $xval_ref eq 'SCALAR' ? :
2075 6 34 if (abs $dx <= $tolerance{'newtonraphson'})
2087 0 34 if $its >= $iteration{'newtonraphson'}
2159 7 6 if scalar @_ == 0
2167 6 0 if (exists $iteration{$k}) { }
2171 0 6 if $val < 10
2232 3 2 if scalar @_ == 0
2240 2 0 if (exists $tolerance{$k}) { }
2269 91 136 if abs $coefficients[$j] > $epsilon