Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 33 50 66.0

line true false branch
37 0 2 unless @_
51 0 14 if $x < $xmin
52 3 11 if $x > $xmax
53 0 14 if $y < $ymin
54 3 11 if $y > $ymax
69 6 5 if $fromin
75 20 45 if ($fromin and $nextin) { }
12 33 elsif ($fromin and not $nextin) { }
12 21 elsif ($nextin) { }
87 1 20 if @cross
94 4 3 if (@frags >= 2 and $frags[0][0][0] == $frags[-1][-1][0] and $frags[0][0][1] == $frags[-1][-1][1])
113 71 18 if $bbox->[0] <= $point->[0] + 1e-05 and $point->[0] <= $bbox->[2] + 1e-05 and $bbox->[1] <= $point->[1] + 1e-05
121 0 0 $point->[0] < $bbox->[2] ? :
0 0 $point->[0] < $bbox->[0] ? :
124 0 0 $point->[1] < $bbox->[3] ? :
0 0 $point->[1] < $bbox->[1] ? :
145 7 7 $from->[1] < $to->[1] ? :
26 14 $from->[0] > $to->[0] ? :
21 40 $from->[0] < $to->[0] ? :
154 0 0 unless my $this = shift()
158 0 0 if $this->[0] == $ret[-1][0] and $this->[1] == $ret[-1][1]
168 98 14 unless $fx < $x and $x < $tx or $tx < $x and $x < $fx
170 28 0 $fy <= $y && $y <= $ty || $ty <= $y && $y <= $fy ? :
177 99 15 unless $fy < $y and $y < $ty or $ty < $y and $y < $fy
179 27 0 $fx <= $x && $x <= $tx || $tx <= $x && $x <= $fx ? :