Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 1 62 1.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
37 1 0 0 $arg and $arg eq '-search'
109 0 0 0 $use_mmap and not defined $stripped_mmap
144 0 0 0 length $str > 50 and $i != $#$array
153 0 0 0 $value != 0 and abs $value <= 1000
160 0 0 0 abs $diff < 20 and abs $array->[0] < 100
197 0 0 0 @$array and $array->[0] == 0
208 0 0 0 _aref_any_nonzero($array) and @$array >= 3 || length join(',', @$array) >= 5
377 0 0 0 defined $values_min and grep {$_ < $values_min;} @found_values
0 0 0 defined $values_max and grep {$_ > $values_max;} @found_values
384 0 0 0 defined $max_matches and $count >= $max_matches
392 0 0 0 $show_mung and @orig_mung_desc || @mung_desc

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
71 0 0 $h{'verbose'} || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
136 0 0 0 'Math::OEIS::Stripped'->fh || croak('Cannot open ~/OEIS/stripped file')
208 0 0 0 @$array >= 3 || length join(',', @$array) >= 5
220 0 0 0 $value eq '0' or $value =~ s/^-//
375 0 0 0 defined $values_min or defined $values_max
377 0 0 0 defined $values_min and grep {$_ < $values_min;} @found_values or defined $values_max and grep {$_ > $values_max;} @found_values
392 0 0 0 @orig_mung_desc || @mung_desc
410 0 0 0 $count or $verbose
473 0 0 0 $i >= 15 or length $re > 40
538 0 0 0 $bigint_class ||= do { require Math::BigInt; 'Math::BigInt' }