Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 20 75.0

line true false branch
69 0 63 unless eval qq[\n#line 70 "/root/.cpan/build/Math-NumSeq-72-Aq4aSB/blib/lib/Math/"\n# print "attempt Locale::Messages for __\\n";\nuse Locale::Messages ();\nsub __ { Locale::Messages::dgettext('Math-NumSeq',\$_[0]) }\n1;\n] or eval qq[\n#line 76 "/root/.cpan/build/Math-NumSeq-72-Aq4aSB/blib/lib/Math/"\n# print "fallback definition of __\\n";\nsub __ { \$_[0] };\n1;\n]
100 181 3398 defined $self->{'i_start'} ? :
145 0 860 if (ref $self and my $href = $self->{'characteristic'})
147 0 0 if (exists $href->{$type})
151 552 308 if (my $subr = $self->can("characteristic_$type"))
160 6 10 $self->characteristic('increasing') ? :
172 9 8 $self->characteristic('non_decreasing') ? :
194 177 758 unless (defined $self->{$pname})
215 0 48450 if ($method eq 'ith_pair' and not +(return $class->can('ith')))
234 11 3 unless ('Math::BigInt'->can('new'))