Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 24 70.8

line true false branch
118 1 0 if (my $anum = $oeis_anum[$radix]{$fraction})
121 0 0 if ($radix == 10 and $fraction =~ m[(\d+)/(\d+)] and $1 == 1 and $2 >= 12 and $2 <= 999 and $2 != 996 and $2 % 10 != 0 and $2 != 25)
150 0 3 unless (defined $num)
151 0 3 unless (defined $den)
164 1 2 if (&max(length $num, length $den) >= length int 18446744073709551615 / $radix)
187 7 7 if ($n =~ /^(\d*)\.(\d*?)0*$/) { }
222 3 36 if ($i < 0 or _is_infinite($i))
240 2 62 if ($uv_max >> $shift < $try_bit)
250 2 62 if $bit == 0
252 0 62 if (int $uv_max / $try_sqrt <= $try_sqrt)
270 0 56 if (ref $mod or $mod > 2147483648)
280 91 69 if ($exp % 2)