Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 71 72 98.6

line true false branch
247 3722 3133 if exists $OP{$name}
249 1297 1836 if ($name =~ /^u([012])([012])([012])\z/) { }
1462 374 elsif ($name =~ /^b([012]{3})([012]{3})([012]{3})\z/) { }
160 214 elsif ($name =~ /^s([012]{10})\z/) { }
164 50 elsif ($name =~ /^t([012]{9})([012]{9})([012]{9})\z/) { }
48 2 elsif ($name =~ /^q([012]{15})\z/) { }
1 1 elsif ($name =~ /^Q([012]{27})([012]{27})([012]{27})\z/) { }
250 929 368 if ($1 eq $2 and $1 eq $3)
256 17 1445 if ($1 eq $2 and $1 eq $3)
276 1933 253 if (keys %OP < 364)
285 1 50285 if (@_ < $argc)
312 4 7 if $bool
313 4 3 if defined $bool
322 4 357 if $int < -1 or 1 < $int
328 2 381 if $int < 0 or 2 < $int
334 3 17 unless exists $by_name{$name}
341 2 1 if CORE::not $mod or 3 != $mod
348 6 7 if ($type)
349 1 5 if (eval { do { $item->DOES('Math::Logic::Ternary::Object') } })
352 3 2 if (eval { do { $item->isa('Math::BigInt') } })
354 1 2 $is_two ? :
356 1 1 if (eval { do { $item->isa('Math::ModInt') } })
362 1 6 if ($type)
365 1 5 unless (defined $item)
368 3 2 if ($item =~ /^[\+\-]?\d+\z/)
369 1 2 2 == $item ? :
389 800 1020 exists $is_ar{$name} ? :
401 2 339 if (@_ < 4)
424 1 1 unless (defined $mi)
425 0 1 unless eval { do { require Math::ModInt } }
434 13 1 if $_[1]->Rtrits <= 1
435 11 6 wantarray ? :
2 11 wantarray ? :
17 13 $_[0][4] ? :
438 6 17 unless ($_[0])[$_[1]]
439 201 3 wantarray ? :