Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 118 186 63.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
122 0 0 6 &near(scalar($A // 0), $a) and &near(scalar($B // 0), $b)
129 0 0 21 &near(scalar($A // 0), $a) and &near(scalar($B // 0), $b)
0 0 21 &near(scalar($A // 0), $a) and &near(scalar($B // 0), $b) and &near(scalar($C // 0), $c)
180 710 84 0 &near($x, $𝘅) and &near($y, $𝘆)
714 79 1 &near($x, $𝕩) and &near($y, $𝕪)
184 757 36 0 &near($d, $𝗱) and &near($𝕕)
185 779 14 0 &near($d, $𝕕) and &near($𝗱)
186 763 29 1 &near($𝗱, $𝕕) and &near($d)
249 612 80 3 &near($x, $𝘅) and &near($y, $𝘆)
692 2 1 &near($x, $𝘅) and &near($y, $𝘆) and &near($r, $𝗿)
317 713 83 0 &near($𝘅, $𝕩) and &near($𝘆, $𝕪)
319 711 79 6 &near($x, $𝘅) and &near($y, $𝘆)
772 13 5 &near($x, $𝕩) and &near($y, $𝕪)
355 172 24 0 &near($𝘅, $𝕩) and &near($𝘆, $𝕪)
356 153 43 0 &near($𝗫, $𝕏) and &near($𝗬, $𝕐)
397 60 5 1 &near($𝘅, $𝕩) and &near($𝘆, $𝕪)
405 44 9 11 &near($x, $X) and &near($y, $Y)
435 49 0 0 &near($𝘅, $𝕩) and &near($𝘆, $𝕪)
456 45 1 0 &near($x, $𝘅) and &near($y, $𝘆)
45 1 0 &near($𝘅, $𝕩) and &near($𝘆, $𝕪)
473 45 1 0 &near($x, $𝘅) and &near($y, $𝘆)
45 1 0 &near($𝘅, $𝕩) and &near($𝘆, $𝕪)
480 0 0 46 &near(@r[0, 1]) and &near(@r[1, 2])
497 1 0 0 &near($x, $𝘅) and &near($y, $𝘆)
0 1 0 &near($𝘅, $𝕩) and &near($𝘆, $𝕪)
507 0 0 1 &near(@r[0, 1]) and &near(@r[1, 2])
525 24 0 0 &near($x, $𝘅) and &near($y, $𝘆)
22 2 0 &near($𝘅, $𝕩) and &near($𝘆, $𝕪)
540 114 0 0 &near($x, $𝘅) and &near($y, $𝘆)
113 1 0 &near($𝘅, $𝕩) and &near($𝘆, $𝕪)
556 19 0 0 &near($x, $𝘅) and &near($y, $𝘆)
19 0 0 &near($𝘅, $𝕩) and &near($𝘆, $𝕪)
593 22 0 0 &near($x, $𝘅) and &near($y, $𝘆)
22 0 0 &near($𝘅, $𝕩) and &near($𝘆, $𝕪)
609 22 0 0 &near($x, $𝘅) and &near($y, $𝘆)
22 0 0 &near($𝘅, $𝕩) and &near($𝘆, $𝕪)
626 108 5 12 &near($x, $𝘅) and &near($y, $𝘆)
103 10 0 &near($𝘅, $𝕩) and &near($𝘆, $𝕪)

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
112 13395 664 $_[1] // 0
116 61 2 $B // 0
170 2 $A // 0
122 5 1 $C // 0
5 1 $A // 0
5 1 $B // 0
129 20 1 $D // 0
20 1 $A // 0
20 1 $B // 0
20 1 $C // 0
148 3172 2543 $𝘅 // 0
3172 2543 $𝘆 // 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
180 0 0 794 &near($x, $𝘅) and &near($y, $𝘆) or &near($x, $𝕩) and &near($y, $𝕪)
187 44 46 702 &near($d, $𝗱 + $𝕕) or &near($𝗱, $𝕕 + $d)
254 1 2 691 $𝗹 > $r + $𝗿 or $𝗹 < abs $r - $𝗿
259 2 4 685 &near($𝗹, $r + $𝗿) or &near($𝗹, abs $r - $𝗿)
319 6 0 790 &near($x, $𝘅) and &near($y, $𝘆) or &near($x, $𝕩) and &near($y, $𝕪)
456 0 0 46 &near($x, $𝘅) and &near($y, $𝘆) or &near($𝘅, $𝕩) and &near($𝘆, $𝕪)
473 0 0 46 &near($x, $𝘅) and &near($y, $𝘆) or &near($𝘅, $𝕩) and &near($𝘆, $𝕪)
497 0 0 1 &near($x, $𝘅) and &near($y, $𝘆) or &near($𝘅, $𝕩) and &near($𝘆, $𝕪)
525 0 0 24 &near($x, $𝘅) and &near($y, $𝘆) or &near($𝘅, $𝕩) and &near($𝘆, $𝕪)
540 0 0 114 &near($x, $𝘅) and &near($y, $𝘆) or &near($𝘅, $𝕩) and &near($𝘆, $𝕪)
556 0 0 19 &near($x, $𝘅) and &near($y, $𝘆) or &near($𝘅, $𝕩) and &near($𝘆, $𝕪)
593 0 0 22 &near($x, $𝘅) and &near($y, $𝘆) or &near($𝘅, $𝕩) and &near($𝘆, $𝕪)
609 0 0 22 &near($x, $𝘅) and &near($y, $𝘆) or &near($𝘅, $𝕩) and &near($𝘆, $𝕪)
626 12 0 113 &near($x, $𝘅) and &near($y, $𝘆) or &near($𝘅, $𝕩) and &near($𝘆, $𝕪)
689 1 1 0 &near($d, $𝗱) or &near($𝗱, $𝕕)
702 0 1 0 &near($d ** 2, $𝗱 ** 2 + $𝕕 ** 2) or &near($𝗱 ** 2, $d ** 2 + $𝕕 ** 2)