Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 34 79.4

line true false branch
100 0 42 if (ref $str)
148 12 254 if ($$self{'Str'} =~ s/^([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)\(//) { }
98 156 elsif ($$self{'Str'} =~ s/^([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*(:[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)?)//) { }
14 142 elsif ($$self{'Str'} =~ s/^(\d*\.\d+|\d+)//) { }
70 72 elsif ($$self{'Str'} =~ s/^([^a-zA-Z0-9\(\)\,\.\:]+)//) { }
30 42 elsif ($$self{'Str'} =~ s/^([\(\)\,])//) { }
164 0 42 if ($$self{'Str'} ne '')
176 0 63 if ($$self{'Token'} eq '-') { }
187 18 52 if ($e->isa('Math::Expr::Opp') and defined $$Math::Expr::Pri{$$e{'Val'}} and defined $$Math::Expr::Pri{$$n{'Val'}} and $$Math::Expr::Pri{$$e{'Val'}} < $$Math::Expr::Pri{$$n{'Val'}} and $e->Breakable) { }
216 26 18 if ($a->isa('Math::Expr::Opp') and defined $$Math::Expr::Pri{$$n{'Val'}} and defined $$Math::Expr::Pri{$$a{'Val'}} and $$Math::Expr::Pri{$$a{'Val'}} < $$Math::Expr::Pri{$$n{'Val'}} and $a->Breakable) { }
234 98 35 if ($$self{'TType'} eq 'Var') { }
14 21 elsif ($$self{'TType'} eq 'Num') { }
0 21 elsif ($$self{'TType'} eq 'Var') { }
9 12 elsif ($$self{'Token'} eq '(') { }
12 0 elsif ($$self{'TType'} eq 'Func') { }
252 0 9 if ($$self{'Token'} ne ')')
266 0 12 if ($$self{'Token'} ne ')')