Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 54 120 45.0

line true false branch
36 0 4 if (ref $xbref ne 'ARRAY') { }
0 4 elsif (ref $smref ne 'ARRAY') { }
0 4 elsif (ref $func_ref ne 'CODE') { }
0 4 elsif ($constrain_ref and ref $constrain_ref ne 'CODE') { }
47 0 4 unless ($tm)
60 4 0 if ($constrain_ref)
64 22240 0 if ($constrain_ref)
66 0 22240 if $debug
69 4356 17884 if ($ff <= $fb)
70 16680 5560 if ($lm < $n)
77 0 22240 if ($sm[$i] < $rel_limit)
78 0 22240 if ($sm[$i] < $ea)
82 0 5560 if ($debug)
88 5560 0 if (defined $ea)
89 5560 0 if (defined $eb)
90 225 5335 if (defined $ec)
91 200 5360 if (defined $ed)
92 0 5560 if $debug
94 5338 222 if ($lc < 25)
96 1 5337 if ($usr_n + $sys_n - $usr_o - $sys_o > $tm) { }
97 0 1 if $debug
102 1 221 if (defined $ec and $fc - $fb <= $ec)
103 0 1 if $debug
106 2 219 if (defined $ed and ($fc - $fb) / $ed <= abs $fc)
107 0 2 if $debug
115 0 1 if (ref $xbref ne 'ARRAY') { }
0 1 elsif (ref $smref ne 'ARRAY') { }
0 1 elsif (ref $func_ref ne 'CODE') { }
0 2 elsif ($constrain_ref and ref $constrain_ref ne 'CODE') { }
126 0 1 unless ($nchoices)
142 0 1 if $debug
146 0 1 if ($constrain_ref)
155 0 1090 if ($constrain_ref)
159 41 1049 if ($choice > $[) { }
165 0 1090 if $debug
166 1 1089 unless ($continue)
167 1035 54 if ($lm < $test_every)
171 0 54 if $debug
175 0 216 if ($sm[$i] < $rel_limit)
176 0 216 if ($sm[$i] < $ea)
178 0 54 if $debug
185 0 0 unless $text
186 0 0 if (ref $func_ref ne 'CODE')
189 0 0 unless ($nchoices)
196 0 0 if (/^(.*?)(-?[\d.]+)(\D+)evol\s+step\s+([\d.]+)(.*)$/)
199 0 0 if ($lastbit =~ /min\s+([-\d.]+)/)
200 0 0 if ($lastbit =~ /max\s+([-\d.]+)/)
204 0 0 if $debug
205 0 0 if $debug
211 0 0 if (defined $min[$i] and defined $max[$i]) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $min[$i]) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $max[$i]) { }
220 0 0 if (defined $min[$i] or defined $max[$i])
224 0 0 if $debug
241 0 0 if ($some_constraints) { }
242 0 0 if ($@)
253 0 0 if (defined $min[$i])
254 0 0 if (defined $max[$i])
257 0 0 if $debug
272 46660 46660 if (not $gaussn_flag) { }