Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 22 60 36.6

line true false branch
97 0 1 unless defined $options{'clockwise'}
106 0 1 if (lc $options{'direction'} =~ /up/)
107 0 0 $options{'clockwise'} ? :
113 0 1 if (lc $options{'direction'} =~ /down/)
114 0 0 $options{'clockwise'} ? :
120 0 1 if (lc $options{'direction'} =~ /left/)
122 0 0 $options{'clockwise'} ? :
127 1 0 if (lc $options{'direction'} =~ /right/)
129 1 0 $options{'clockwise'} ? :
180 0 0 unless (defined $rangepoints{$startpoint})
188 0 0 if ($x <= $x2 and $y <= $y2 and $x >= $x1 and $y >= $y1) { }
189 0 0 if ($rangepoints{$startpoint}) { }
204 0 0 if ($xx == $x2) { }
205 0 0 if ($yy < $y2) { }
225 0 5 if ($this_level == 1)
229 0 5 if ($args{'clockwise'}) { }
230 0 0 if ($args{'max'} == $this_level) { }
262 4 1 if ($args{'max'} == $this_level) { }
306 0 2 if ($this_level == 1)
310 2 0 if ($args{'clockwise'}) { }
311 2 0 if ($args{'max'} == $this_level) { }
343 0 0 if ($args{'max'} == $this_level) { }
386 1 8 if ($this_level == 1)
390 9 0 if ($args{'clockwise'}) { }
391 6 3 if ($args{'max'} == $this_level) { }
420 0 0 if ($args{'max'} == $this_level) { }
460 0 5 if ($this_level == 1)
464 0 5 if ($args{'clockwise'}) { }
465 0 0 if ($args{'max'} == $this_level) { }
494 4 1 if ($args{'max'} == $this_level) { }