Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 48 52 92.3

line true false branch
97 2 11 if ($t < $SMALLTIME)
98 1 1 $S > $K ? :
125 2 11 if ($t < $SMALLTIME)
126 1 1 $S < $K ? :
232 23 16 $S < $U ? :
339 8 8 unless (defined $w)
343 4 12 if ($S >= $U or $S <= $D)
344 2 2 $w ? :
376 1 11 if ($onetouch_up_prob + $onetouch_down_prob < $MIN_ACCURACY_UPORDOWN_PELSSER_1997) { }
4 7 elsif ($onetouch_up_prob xor $onetouch_down_prob) { }
404 5 6 if ($w == 1)
409 0 5 if (abs exp(-$r_q * $t) - $upordown_prob < $MIN_ACCURACY_UPORDOWN_PELSSER_1997)
419 0 11 unless ($upordown_prob < $onetouch_up_prob + $onetouch_down_prob + $SMALL_TOLERANCE and $upordown_prob + $SMALL_TOLERANCE > $onetouch_up_prob and $upordown_prob + $SMALL_TOLERANCE > $onetouch_down_prob)
457 1 15 unless (defined $eta)
460 8 7 if ($eta == 0)
496 0 253 if ($k == 1 and not abs $phi < $stability_constant)
528 3 12 if (abs $mu_dash * $h / ($sigma * $sigma) < $SMALL_VALUE_MU) { }
553 1 16 unless (defined $eta)
561 1 0 if ($p != 1 and $p != 2 and $p != 3)
637 16 2 unless (defined $accuracy)
641 1 17 if ($accuracy > $MIN_ACCURACY_UPORDOWN_PELSSER_1997) { }
1 16 elsif ($accuracy <= 0) { }
669 1 38 unless (defined $accuracy)
687 1 37 if ($delta * $B <= 0)
701 32 5 if ($k_min < $MIN_ITERATIONS_UPORDOWN_PELSSER_1997) { }
1 4 elsif ($k_min > $MAX_ITERATIONS_UPORDOWN_PELSSER_1997) { }