Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 59 82 71.9

line true false branch
41 22 68 if $_
57 0 4 if ($t > 3) { }
0 4 elsif ($t > 1) { }
75 4 150 unless ($$M[$i][$j])
86 0 24 if ($max_frac)
91 2 2 if (keys %zr)
127 0 20 if $n > $cols
136 1 1 if ($$M[$n][$j])
152 1 19 unless $$M[$n][$n]
159 31 33 if ($b == int $b) { }
174 11 8 if ($gcd > 1)
194 0 17 if $dm < 1
198 14 3 unless (exists $$opt{'int'} and $$opt{'int'})
205 6 11 $fraction ? :
213 1 81 if (not $minV and $i < $dm - 1)
220 2 1 if ($v and $v < $minV || !$minV)
226 0 1 unless $minV
245 13 4 if ($_ < 0)
249 0 17 if abs $_ - int($_) >= 0.5
250 12 5 if $exch % 2
252 6 11 $fraction ? :
266 0 2 if ($t > 3) { }
0 2 elsif ($t) { }
273 0 2 if $rows != $#{$B;}
274 0 2 if scalar grep((!defined($_)), @$B)
276 0 2 if (defined $opts) { }
277 0 0 if (exists $$opts{'eqs'}) { }
278 0 0 unless $$opts{'eqs'} =~ /^(?:row|column)/i
297 0 65 if ($$opts{'eqs'} =~ /^col/i) { }
298 0 0 $v == $i ? :
302 65 342 $v == $j ? :
311 11 0 if ($det) { }
312 7 4 if ($dm < 0)
320 4 7 if ($max_frac)
325 10 1 if ($gcd > 1)
330 7 4 $dm == 1 ? :
343 0 6 if scalar grep({grep((!defined($_)), @{$_;});} @$M)
345 0 6 scalar grep(($#{$_;} != $#{$M;}), @$M) ? :
346 0 6 if scalar grep(($#{$_;} != $#{$$M[0];}), @$M)
356 595 69 if Math::BigInt::is_int($_)
358 12 57 if $frac > $max_frac