Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 49 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
177 0 0 0 not $c and defined $error
251 0 0 0 $current_comp->is_subcomp and my $subcomp = $current_comp->owner->subcomps($path)
266 0 0 0 not $comp and $self->pseudodhandler_name
287 0 0 0 $path and not $comp
437 0 0 0 $filter_newlines and $filter_newlines ne 'none'
615 0 0 0 defined $priority and $priority != $key
641 0 0 0 defined $priority and $priority != $key
703 0 0 0 $allow_duplicates and not $overwrite

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
236 0 0 $self->notes->{'_OUTPUT'}{'tag_type'} || 'xhtml1-strict'
436 0 0 $comp->{'flags'}{'filter_newlines'} || $self->{'interp'}{'filter_newlines'} || 'all'
582 0 0 $params{'namespace'} || 'default'
583 0 0 $params{'name'} || 'default'
714 0 0 $self->{'_REGISTER'}{$namespace}{$name}{'priority'}{$priority} ||= []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
215 0 0 0 $$error ||= "could not find component for path '${owner_path}'\n"
357 0 0 0 $error || "could not find component for path '${path}'\n"
581 0 0 0 $params{'namespace'} or $params{'name'}
634 0 0 0 defined $content or $contents
678 0 0 0 $content->{'marker'} || $content->{'content'}