Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 39 48 81.2

line true false branch
83 0 36 unless defined $code and ref $code eq 'CODE'
114 3 34 unless my $compc = $self->load($path)
122 81 1 if (my $pkg = (&CORE::GLOBAL::caller($cnt))[0]) { }
123 18 63 if $pkg->isa('Mason::Component') and $pkg ne 'Mason::Component'
144 122 5 if length $$request_buffer
152 1 2 if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH')
168 0 5 unless @_
171 3 2 unless @_
178 42 2 if defined $_
183 16 33 unless substr($path, 0, 1) eq '/'
197 1 2 if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH')
232 24 7 if ($self->aborted($err)) { }
258 0 184 if (@_ == 1 and reftype($_[0]) eq 'HASH') { }
297 0 158 if $Mason::Request::log->is_debug
316 21 130 if ($self->declined)
324 3 127 if defined $self->go_result
347 0 42 if (ref $yield ne 'CODE')
348 0 0 defined $yield ? :
351 32 10 if (ref $filter eq 'CODE') { }
9 1 elsif (blessed $filter and $filter->can('apply_filter')) { }
353 0 32 unless defined $_
367 1 77 if (ref $yield ne 'CODE')
368 1 0 defined $yield ? :
371 36 42 if (not @_) { }