Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 20 36 55.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
47 0 2 2 scalar @_ == 1 and ref $_[0]
154 2 4 0 $eval_given && !$eval_value && !$fatal_error
218 0 0 1141 &blessed($slr) and $slr->isa($slr_class)
672 0 9 40 defined $this_choice and $this_choice == $choice_ix

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
327 0 2488 $slg->[7] // 0
332 46 2442 $per_parse_arg // {}
536 2491 0 $args->{'handlers'} // {}
538 2491 0 $args->{'signature'} // ''
539 2491 0 $args->{'args'} // []
562 62515 0 $yield_data //= []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
149 6 0 0 $long_where //= $where
227 0 1141 0 $slv->[3] //= $slr->[3]
438 0 0 147 not $eval_ok or @warnings
471 8 2 7502 not $eval_ok or @warnings