Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 75 106 70.7

line true false branch
35 2 1142 if (my $value = $flat_args->{'trace_file_handle'})
47 2 2 if (scalar @_ == 1 and ref $_[0])
110 10 40 if ($arg eq 'fatal_error')
111 0 40 if ($arg eq 'grammar')
112 10 30 if ($arg eq 'where')
113 10 20 if ($arg eq 'long_where')
114 10 10 if ($arg eq 'warnings')
115 10 0 if ($arg eq 'eval_ok')
125 6 4 unless $fatal_error_ref_type
126 4 0 if ($fatal_error_ref_type eq $CONTEXT_EXCEPTION_CLASS)
128 2 2 if defined $exception_object
130 2 0 if defined $exception_message
155 0 6 if ($false_eval)
159 4 2 if ($fatal_error)
162 2 4 if ($warnings_count)
167 0 6 unless (scalar @problems)
183 4 2 if ($fatal_error)
206 0 1141 unless $flat_args
211 0 1141 unless defined $slr
218 0 1141 unless (&blessed($slr) and $slr->isa($slr_class))
220 0 0 $ref_type ? :
258 0 1141 if $regix < 0
276 0 1141 unless $lua
293 0 3 unless $flat_args
349 0 108 $msg =~ /\n\z/msx ? :
372 9744 37023 if (defined $lexeme_id) { }
380 9744 37023 if ($blessing eq '::name')
381 0 9744 if ($lexeme_name =~ / [^ [:alnum:]] /msx)
391 0 37023 if ($blessing =~ /^ :: /msx)
398 0 37023 if ($blessing =~ / [\W] /msx)
407 46767 0 unless ($blessing =~ / :: /msx)
410 0 46767 unless (defined $bless_package)
438 0 147 if (not $eval_ok or @warnings)
458 7512 0 if (defined $closure)
471 10 7502 if (not $eval_ok or @warnings)
502 58 2420 if $cmd ne 'ok'
525 0 2451 unless ($eval_ok)
555 2481 62515 unless ($cmd)
560 0 62515 unless $handler
564 0 62505 unless defined $handler_cmd
566 119 62386 if ($handler_cmd eq 'ok')
569 0 119 if (scalar @resume_args < 1)
574 62386 0 if ($handler_cmd eq 'sig')
585 10 2481 unless ($eval_ok)
587 2 8 if ref $eval_error
599 4 40 unless defined $nook_text
652 4 40 unless defined $or_node_id
670 40 49 unless defined $and_node_id
672 40 9 if (defined $this_choice and $this_choice == $choice_ix)
726 0 0 unless $text
778 0 7 if $ambiguity_level <= 0
779 2 5 if $ambiguity_level == 1
782 0 5 unless defined $asf