Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 6 69 8.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
108 0 0 0 $self->print_header($fd) and print $fd "\n"
213 0 0 0 $i++ < $nlines and $start--
253 0 0 0 @$body and $body->[0] =~ /^\s*$/
254 0 0 0 @$body and $body->[-1] =~ /^\s*$/
276 0 0 0 $subject =~ /\S+/ and not $subject =~ /Re:/i
369 0 0 0 defined $arg{'Keep'} and ref $arg{'Keep'} eq 'ARRAY'
376 0 0 0 defined $arg{'Exclude'} and ref $arg{'Exclude'} eq 'ARRAY'
446 0 0 0 $smtp->mail($envelope) && $smtp->to(@addr) && $smtp->data(join('', @{$head->header;}, "\n", @{$self->body;}))
485 0 0 0 ref $host and UNIVERSAL::isa($host, 'Net::NNTP')

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
30 0 3 delete $opt{'FoldLength'} || 79
80 2 0 $self->{'mail_inet_body'} || []
93 6 0 $self->{'mail_inet_body'} ||= []
106 0 0 shift() || \*STDOUT
118 0 0 shift() || \*STDOUT
209 0 0 shift() || 10
275 0 0 $self->get('Subject') || ''
282 0 0 $self->get('Reply-To') || $self->get('From') || $self->get('Return-Path') || ''
296 0 0 $arg{'Indent'} || '>'
305 0 0 substr($hash{'l'}, 0, 1) || ''
307 0 0 $name || ''
317 0 0 $ENV{'MAILADDRESSES'} || ''
335 0 0 $self->get('References') || ''
472 0 0 $self->get('Newsgroups') || ''
535 0 0 eval { do { local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; (getpwuid $>)[6] } } || $ENV{'NAME'} || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
23 0 3 0 ref $call || $call
100 7 3 0 +(shift())->{'mail_inet_head'} ||= 'Mail::Header'->new
392 0 0 0 $opt{'MailFrom'} || &mailaddress()
406 0 0 0 UNIVERSAL::isa($host, 'Net::SMTP') or UNIVERSAL::isa($host, 'Net::SMTP::SSL')