Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 80 176 45.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
205 0 0 0 defined $blank and $blank
266 0 0 0 length $host <= 255 and $host =~ /^[a-z\d](?:[a-z\d-]{0,61}[a-z\d])?(?:\.[a-z\d](?:[a-z\d-]{0,61}[a-z\d])?)*$/i
408 0 0 0 $errno ne "" and $errno ne 0
421 0 0 0 !defined($errno) || $errno == 0 and WIFEXITED($exit_status)
533 26 0 0 length $yyyy == 2 and $yyyy < 50
548 0 0 0 s/\b([A-Z]{2,4}(?:-DST)?)\b/ / and exists $TZ{$1}
586 8 0 0 !($yyyy % 4) && ($yyyy % 100 || !($yyyy % 400))
696 420 164 3254 $pos_mod != 0 and $overflow == 0
738 0 0 7 length($_) % 4 == 0 and m[^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/=]{2,}={0,2})$]s
766 0 0 0 defined $decoded_length and length $out >= $decoded_length
956 0 0 8 $ip =~ /:/ && $ip =~ /^[0-9a-fA-F:.]{2,}\z/
1043 6 357 0 not $name and $ct =~ /\b(?:file)?name\*0\s*=/i
1068 69 23 271 $ct =~ /^text\b/ and not $ct =~ m[^text/(?:x-vcard|calendar|html)$]
1168 0 0 0 defined $file and $file ne ""
1204 0 0 65 defined $tmpdir and $tmpdir ne ""
1350 31 2 8 $nuri =~ tr/%02// and $nuri =~ /^(?:mailto:)?(?:\%20)*([^\@]+\@[^?&%]+)/
1462 0 0 5 defined $1 and index($1, ".") != -1
1473 465 0 6 $rest =~ m[(https?:/{0,2}[^&#]+)]i and index($1, ".") != -1
1505 9 6 398 $proto eq "http://" and $auth eq ""
15 0 398 $proto eq "http://" and $auth eq "" and $host ne "localhost"
6 4 394 $proto eq "http://" and $auth eq "" and $host ne "localhost" and $port eq 80
4 382 12 $proto eq "http://" and $auth eq "" and $host ne "localhost" and $port eq 80 and $host =~ /^(?:www\.)?([^.]+)$/
1561 0 0 10 defined $time and $time
1582 0 8 0 @rcvd and $rcvd[0] =~ /\bby localhost with \w+ \(fetchmail-[\d.]+/
1895 16 74 1180 $delim_end and not $delim_end =~ tr/)]}//
1930 3 0 1257 $ok and ref $compiled_re eq "Regexp"
2048 0 0 0 eval {

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
544 26 0 $4 || 0
556 26 0 $tzoff ||= "-0000"
563 26 0 $hh ||= 0
26 0 $mm ||= 0
26 0 $ss ||= 0
26 0 $dd ||= 0
26 0 $mmm ||= 0
26 0 $yyyy ||= 0
670 365 0 shift() || ''
671 365 0 shift() || ''
672 192 173 shift() || ''
673 365 0 shift() || 77
674 5 360 shift() || 0
1007 168 195 $_[-1] || 'text/plain; charset=us-ascii'
1166 0 0 $args ||= {}
1569 10 0 $header ||= ""

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
299 82 0 0 $r eq "SCALAR" or $r eq "REF"
374 652 624 399 $cnt == 2 or $cnt == 1
408 0 0 0 0 + $errno != 0 or $errno ne "" and $errno ne 0
421 0 0 0 !defined($errno) || $errno == 0
582 3 1 22 $mmm == 4 or $mmm == 6
4 5 17 $mmm == 4 or $mmm == 6 or $mmm == 9
6 0 17 $mmm == 4 or $mmm == 6 or $mmm == 9 or $mmm == 11
639 0 2 0 $time || time
675 173 192 0 shift() || qr/\s/
1068 0 340 23 not $ct or $ct =~ /^text\b/ and not $ct =~ m[^text/(?:x-vcard|calendar|html)$]
1202 0 65 0 $ENV{$tmpenv} || 'File::Spec'->tmpdir
1334 0 0 537 length $uri <= 1 or $uri =~ m[^(?:[#?&]|/(?!/))]
1340 39 2 496 $nuri =~ /^mailto:/i or $nuri =~ /^[^:]*\@/
1577 0 0 8 $rcvd[0] =~ /qmail \d+ invoked by uid \d+/ or $rcvd[0] =~ /\bfrom (?:localhost\s|(?:\S+ ){1,2}\S*\b127\.0\.0\.1\b)/
1818 0 0 0 $] < "5.008" or am_running_on_windows()
2004 0 0 0 not defined $re or $re eq ""
2046 0 0 0 not defined $re or $re eq ""
2062 0 0 0 $lang ||= $ENV{'LANGUAGE'}
2063 0 0 0 $lang ||= $ENV{'LC_MESSAGES'}
2064 0 0 0 $lang ||= $ENV{'LANG'}
2129 6 32 0 $is_spam or $score < $rscore