Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 42 0.0

line true false branch
61 0 0 unless $rawtag =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$/
64 0 0 unless exists $pms->{'html'}{'inside'}{$tag}
66 0 0 unless $rawexpr =~ /^([\<\>\=\!\-\+ 0-9]+)$/
89 0 0 unless exists $pms->{'html'}{'non_space_len'} and exists $pms->{'html'}{'image_area'} and $pms->{'html'}{'image_area'} > 0
97 0 0 unless exists $pms->{'html'}{'charsets'}
100 0 0 if grep {$_ eq "all";} @locales
105 0 0 if (Mail::SpamAssassin::Locales::is_charset_ok_for_locales($c, @locales)) { }
128 0 0 unless $rawexpr =~ /^([\<\>\=\!\-\+ 0-9]+)$/
134 0 0 unless defined $tainted
144 0 0 unless ($rec)
149 0 0 unless defined $string
150 0 0 if ($string =~ /$rec/)
161 0 0 if ($subject eq "")
166 0 0 if ($string)
168 0 0 if $ratio > $max
177 0 0 if (defined $string and not $string =~ /$regexp/)
187 0 0 unless exists $pms->{'html'}{$test}
193 0 0 if (not defined $max or $max eq 'inf') { }
0 0 elsif ($test eq 'inf') { }
194 0 0 $test eq 'inf' ? :
210 0 0 if $v->{'types'}{'iframe'}