Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 10 32 31.2

line true false branch
175 3 9 if ($score < $min) { }
0 9 elsif ($score >= $max) { }
187 0 3 if ($isspam) { }
192 0 0 if ($force_autolearn) { }
201 0 0 if ($body_only_points < $required_body_points)
206 0 0 if ($head_only_points < $required_head_points)
211 0 0 if ($learned_points < $learner_said_ham_points)
217 0 0 unless ($scan->is_spam)
223 0 3 if ($learned_points > $learner_said_spam_points)
229 1 2 if ($scan->is_spam)
235 0 2 if ($conf->{'bayes_auto_learn_on_error'})
241 0 0 if (defined $tests and $tests ne "none")
243 0 0 if ($isspam and $t{'BAYES_99'} or not $isspam and $t{'BAYES_00'})
244 0 0 $isspam ? :
251 0 2 $isspam ? :
0 2 $force_autolearn ? :