Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 5 46 10.8

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
66 61 1 not $mailsaobject->{'local_tests_only'} and 1
61 1 not $mailsaobject->{'local_tests_only'} and 1 and 1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
200 0 0 0 $date and $date < time - 172800
273 0 0 0 $smtp->mail($from) and smtp_dbg("FROM $from", $smtp)
0 0 0 $smtp->mail($from) and smtp_dbg("FROM $from", $smtp) and $smtp->recipient($head{'To'})
0 0 0 $smtp->mail($from) and smtp_dbg("FROM $from", $smtp) and $smtp->recipient($head{'To'}) and smtp_dbg("TO $head{'To'}", $smtp)
0 0 0 $smtp->mail($from) and smtp_dbg("FROM $from", $smtp) and $smtp->recipient($head{'To'}) and smtp_dbg("TO $head{'To'}", $smtp) and $smtp->data($message)
0 0 0 $smtp->mail($from) and smtp_dbg("FROM $from", $smtp) and $smtp->recipient($head{'To'}) and smtp_dbg("TO $head{'To'}", $smtp) and $smtp->data($message) and smtp_dbg('DATA', $smtp)
0 0 0 $smtp->mail($from) and smtp_dbg("FROM $from", $smtp) and $smtp->recipient($head{'To'}) and smtp_dbg("TO $head{'To'}", $smtp) and $smtp->data($message) and smtp_dbg('DATA', $smtp) and $smtp->quit
0 0 0 $smtp->mail($from) and smtp_dbg("FROM $from", $smtp) and $smtp->recipient($head{'To'}) and smtp_dbg("TO $head{'To'}", $smtp) and $smtp->data($message) and smtp_dbg('DATA', $smtp) and $smtp->quit and smtp_dbg('QUIT', $smtp)
284 0 0 0 $code and $text

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
213 0 0 $options->{'report'}{'main'}{'username'} || 'unknown'
214 0 0 Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::fq_hostname() || 'unknown'
286 0 0 $failure ||= 'Net::SMTP error'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
61 0 62 0 ref $class || $class
215 0 0 0 $options->{'report'}{'conf'}{'spamcop_from_address'} || "$user\@$host"
261 0 0 0 Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::fq_hostname() || $from