Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 70 0.0

line true false branch
231 0 0 unless $cte =~ /^base64$/
234 0 0 if $type eq 'jpg'
235 0 0 if ($type and exists $get_details{$type})
259 0 0 unless defined $name
262 0 0 unless (exists $pms->{'imageinfo'})
266 0 0 unless exists $pms->{'imageinfo'}{'names_all'}
267 0 0 if exists $pms->{'imageinfo'}{'names_all'}{$name}
275 0 0 unless defined $re
278 0 0 unless (exists $pms->{'imageinfo'})
282 0 0 unless exists $pms->{'imageinfo'}{'names_all'}
287 0 0 if (eval { do { $name =~ /$re/ } })
288 0 0 if $@
289 0 0 if ($hit)
303 0 0 unless defined $min
306 0 0 unless (exists $pms->{'imageinfo'})
319 0 0 unless defined $type and defined $min
322 0 0 unless (exists $pms->{'imageinfo'})
334 0 0 unless defined $type and defined $min and defined $max
337 0 0 unless (exists $pms->{'imageinfo'})
345 0 0 unless $textlen > 0 and exists $pms->{'imageinfo'}{"pc_$type"} and $pms->{'imageinfo'}{"pc_$type"} > 0
356 0 0 unless defined $type and defined $height and defined $width
359 0 0 unless (exists $pms->{'imageinfo'})
363 0 0 unless exists $pms->{'imageinfo'}{"dems_$type"}
364 0 0 if exists $pms->{'imageinfo'}{"dems_$type"}{"${height}x$width"}
372 0 0 unless defined $type and defined $minh and defined $minw
375 0 0 unless (exists $pms->{'imageinfo'})
380 0 0 unless exists $pms->{'imageinfo'}{$name}
384 0 0 if $h < $minh
385 0 0 if $w < $minw
386 0 0 if defined $maxh and $h > $maxh
387 0 0 if defined $maxw and $w > $maxw
400 0 0 unless defined $value
401 0 0 if $value < $min
402 0 0 if defined $max and $value > $max
403 0 0 if defined $nomaxequal and $nomaxequal and $value == $max