Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 46 34.7

line true false branch
214 6 0 unless defined $$self{'default_authority_explanation'}
216 6 0 unless UNIVERSAL::isa($$self{'default_authority_explanation'}, 'Mail::SPF::MacroString')
227 6 0 unless defined $$self{'query_rr_types'}
230 5 1 unless exists $$self{'max_dns_interactive_terms'}
232 5 1 unless exists $$self{'max_name_lookups_per_term'}
234 5 1 unless exists $$self{'max_name_lookups_per_mx_mech'}
236 6 0 unless exists $$self{'max_name_lookups_per_ptr_mech'}
239 6 0 unless exists $$self{'max_void_dns_lookups'}
271 0 0 defined $name ? :
421 0 0 if ($self->query_rr_types == $self->query_rr_type_all or $self->query_rr_types & $self->query_rr_type_spf)
444 0 0 if (not @records and $self->query_rr_types == $self->query_rr_type_all || $self->query_rr_types & $self->query_rr_type_txt)
475 0 0 unless @dns_errors < $query_count
480 0 0 unless @records
487 0 0 unless @records == 1
514 0 0 if $rr->type ne $rr_type
531 0 0 if defined $record
534 0 0 if defined $record and grep(($scope eq $_), $record->scopes)
555 0 3 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($domain, 'Mail::SPF::MacroString'))
570 0 3 if $self->dns_resolver->errorstring =~ /^(timeout|query timed out)$/
573 1 2 unless defined $packet
576 0 2 unless $packet->header->rcode =~ /^(NOERROR|NXDOMAIN)$/
601 0 0 if (defined $max_dns_interactive_terms and $dns_interactive_terms_count > $max_dns_interactive_terms)
632 0 0 if (defined $max_void_dns_lookups and $void_dns_lookups_count > $max_void_dns_lookups)