Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 16 93.7

line true false branch
20 71 429 if (/([^ ]+( [^ ]+)?) new msg (\d+)/) { }
71 358 elsif (/[^ ]+ info msg (\d+): bytes \d+ from <([^>]+)?> qp \d+ uid \d+/) { }
71 287 elsif (/[^ ]+ starting delivery (\d+): msg (\d+) to (remote|local) ([^ ]+)/) { }
72 215 elsif (/([^ ]+( [^ ]+)?) delivery (\d+): ([^:]+): (.+)/) { }
72 143 elsif (/([^ ]+( [^ ]+)?) end msg (\d+)/) { }
38 71 1 if (exists $dline{$3} and length $dline{$3})
49 1 71 unless (exists $msg{$inode}{'time_new'})
62 71 0 if defined $$self{'callback'}